Reports from events and events archive on the website

I missed a couple of events yesterday (2nd March) that in an ideal world I would have really loved to attend.  These were the "Sustaining Transition Town Initiatives" seminar at Earls Court, and the Brent Campaign Against Climate Change event "After Copenhagen".


I will put up a separate post to see if there is any feedback from those events. 


Meanwhile, it raises the general question of what happens to K2K events after they have happened.  They disappear off the front page of the website, but do they disappear altogether, or is there an events archive somewhere on the site? 


And is there a space on the site for a write up of what happened at events that K2K has put on or supported?   


Do others agree it would be good to have an events archive where the things that have happened are recorded, and where reports of how the event went (if there are any) can be found?  I'm guessing that technically this would be a fairly easy thing to do, for our webmaster experts.   





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If you go on the Events page, on the right hand side is a calender. You can go backwards through previous months and if you click on a date that is highlighted (although that is quite hard to see) you can then view old events.... I don't know if that archive could organised in a better way - as you say that is probably a question for our webgroup... George

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