Present: Viv, Marjory, Sarah(minutes taker )
Items arising from minutes of the last meeting.
Urmi still to resend the to-do list from the Transition website.
Urmi to forward information about JoJu Solar's offer so it can be sent out.
Viv to bring: Transition newspapers buy from Transition Belsize
Sarah to bring: local apples, table cloth
Event starts at 12. Setting up from 10am
Sarah to write a short piece about the local meal and do a poster for the stall and be contact for bookings
Sarah to contact Field to Fork about this and invite them to contribute
A coordinator is needed to organise picks and the group. Plenty of tree owners offering fruit, some of which is ready to pick and we have around 30 on membership list as potential pickers ready to pick it but no one to organise them coming together. Michael has run a training session for pick leaders. Viv is sorting out group insurance and equipment. Posters and flyers are now printed, but not yet received to distribute. The next meeting is Sept 13th at 7.15pm at The Rising sun pub.
Marjory has found a possible venue for the chutney workshop at Kings Hall in Harlesden Road but could only be Friday afternoons.
Next Core Group meeting Tuesday 1st October 12.30 at Marjory's.