Present: Viv, Brian, Lucy, Marjory
Apologies: Urmi
Minutes: Marjory
Chair: Viv
Arising from previous meeting
- There was a high level of interest at the previous public meeting around food growing.
It had been suggested Sarah Langton might be interested in leading a Food Group. Viv to make contact with her and discuss where her interests lie.
- Lucy will circulate a draft expenses and claim forms
- Viv will upload photos to Google docs.
Roles and Function of the Core Group
Following Viv and Marjory’s attendance at the recent Transition Training we looked at how we are working together:
- The core group was described as the "beating heart" of Transition Willesden
- The group is open to anyone who is interested to join
- We can revisit our role and function
- We should set a vision and aim
- Marjory has agreed to join the core group
- Agreed that Viv will chair and that secretary role can be rotated. Treasurer role to be retained by one person. Brian agreed to take on this role.
- Urmi has set up a Google documents which we can all access
- A draft of group minutes should be circulated within a week of the meeting
- When a certain amount of topic groups i.e. Food Group etc are formed, the core group will be renamed the steering group
- Viv has circulated T. Belsize constitution
- We agreed the following ground rules:
respect each other and what we contribute to the group
maintain boundaries around time
be supportive of each other
be communicative
uphold confidentiality
recognise that we will need support and training
celebrate - very important!!
-We have the following funds: First Food Swap - £14.48, Apple Pressing in Kilburn High Rd - £40.80, Second Food Swap - £20.27, TK2K Harvest Festival apple pressing £57.96 and jam-making £24.60. Total funds = £158.11.
-Michael Stuart from TK2Khad kindly donated proceeds from recent events which were much appreciated.
-Viv has expenses of £62.28 for hiring the DVD, attending transition training and travel. Agreed to refund her.
-Brian to look into options for setting up a bank account.
-Others to bring expenses to next meeting.
Sainsbury's Project
- We agreed to call the project ‘Willesden Green Space’ or something similar.
- Ed, Lucy, Olivia, Harriet, Sarah D and Sanchia were interested to join a working group
- Ben, Marjory and Amanda have agreed to be involved in the public consultation
- Viv is meeting with involved partners on 18 October, and would revise plans to include points raised at public meeting. Her and Sanchia’s meeting with St Mungo's was postponed and will be rearranged before the 18th.
Feedback from Public Meeting on 3 October
- 19 people attended.
- We now have 76 people signed up to our mailing list and 28 on the K2K website
- Publicity: More posters were distributed than prior to the previous meeting. A press release was sent out in advance, and gained coverage in one local paper
- We should leave time for people to introduce themselves and talk to each other at the meeting
- Viv's presentation on the Willesden Green Space was well received.
Planning for Public Meeting in November
- Next public meeting to be held on 24 November providing the Rising Sun is available. The 22nd of November is also a possible date. Viv to find out availability and confirm. (Update 24th is confirmed).
- happiness exercise - possibly as an ice breaker?
- flash card exercise around climate change, peak oil and fare shares. Marjory and Viv did these on their recent training
- string exercise around community ecology ditto.
- Lucy will draft text for a publicity leaflet
- Brian will draft an introduction to the card game
Future Events
- Brian will contact the Willesden History Society re a joint meeting/event.
- Harriet may organise a chutney making workshop using marrows, details tbc.
- Viv has approached Carol French about doing a talk at a future meeting. We could also ask Sarah Langton to do another talk.
- Marjory said that Jon Daniels came to TK2K last year and did a fantastic presentation on foraging complete with samples. Jon could possibly be asked to do the same for us.
- Viv contacted Mary Jane Baxtor re a Christmas Present Making Sewing Workshop. She has suggested 10th December, but we are waiting to hear from Lorenzo at Brent Artists Resource at Willesden Green Library Centre if venue possible.
- Viv will also contact John-Paul Flintoff who lives in Childs Hill and is a prolific knitter. He’s done workshops for T. Belsize although may charge.
- Brian said that that Rising Sun does have a music licence. If we were to hold a music fundraising event there we need to inform them of the plan.
- December meeting to be a social event. Suggested dates 8, 13 or 15th December.
- Discuss with TK2K a joint core group social before Christmas. We should also consider joint social with other groups such as Brent Green Party and Brent Friends of the Earth. Marjory to contact George Latham at TK2K, Brian to check with Green party and Brent Campaign against Climate Change, and Viv to contact Brent FoE.
- Viv has contacted Rachel Rose Reid from Moishe House about the Willesden Green Wassail on 22 January. Possibility of us being involved in the event e.g. making and selling hot apple juice in the library.
- Marjory will ask Anna Ferrie, a local artist, who is taking over the old cafe area in the library centre for the month of November, if she can offer an afternoon event for us.
-Lucy suggested inviting a "celebrity" gardener such as Alys Fowler or Cleve West to do a talk.
Next Core group Meeting
Thurs 3rd November, venue tbc.
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