Present: Viv, Brian, Marjory, Urmi, Sarah
Apologies: Harriet
Minutes: Sarah
Chair: Viv
Matters arising from previous meeting
Sarah Langton-Lockton was welcomed as a member of the core group. She undertook to produce the minutes and circulate a draft within a week. It was agreed that the minutes of meetings would be a summary of points agreed rather than a verbatim record. Membership – Lucy has had to leave the core group for the time being, but hopes to rejoin us. Ellie, who has not been in touch, was no longer considered a member of the core group.
Lucy had circulated draft expenses and claim forms. The meeting would return to this item under Finances.
Role and function of the core group: It was agreed that Viv would circulate the constitution of Transition Belsize and information on the Transition Primer, which is a summary of the Transition Handbook.
Finances: Funds raised to date total £164.11. There was discussion on the role of Treasurer and the recording of receipts and payments. It was agreed that Brian would talk to Pete Murry regarding a basic model of treasurership. Expenses were being met to date under three headings: office overheads including stationery, postage and printing, travel and training. It was noted that a constitution would be needed in the future in order to apply for ward working or other grants. It was agreed that Urmi would investigate expenses forms.
Willesden Green Space: Sainsbury's has agreed that some planting could go ahead, ahead of the more ambitious plans which could be phased, and for which they need us to make sure all site issues are dealt with, such as drainage, planning, permissions etc. We are still awaiting news re funding from Sainsbury's and ward working. Project management would now be part of the funding application; this was agreed as effectively Viv’s role along with Sanchia who had drawn up plans.
Planning for next public meeting: The date was confirmed as 24 November.
Future events: Marjory will pursue Jon Daniels re a presentation on foraging and inform Lorenzo, the curator of Willesden library gallery that we are interested in green drinks or having a stand at an exhibition opening at a future date tbc.
Viv had been in touch with Mary Jane Baxter re an upcycling workshop on 10th December, but due to changes in library hire, this was not possible. Alternative meeting facilities were discussed, including King’s Hall, the Learie Constantine centre in Dudden Hill and the renovated church hall at St Andrew’s – Urmi to call the latter. [update – this workshop will be rescheduled for next year].
Viv had proposed a joint core group or wider social with K2K on 8 or 13 December to George Latham; she will follow up. It was agreed there would be no public meeting in December (other than a social if agreed the joint event with K2K was open to all members.)
Marjory will draft a notice for the TTK2K website re the craft workshop on Friday 25 November from 1 to 3pm. Making a banner for Transition Willesden could give the day a focus [update – banner making for a group banner will be separate workshop Viv to organise]. Brian will supply a photo of Brent Green party’s banner for inspiration.
Sarah offered to arrange a group visit to Gladstone Park Gardens allotments in the spring.
Planning for the public meeting in November
It was agreed that the format for the meeting would be:
• brief introduction - Viv
• web exercise on community ecology - Marjory
• short break
• card exercise – climate change to be done one to one - Viv, peak oil on a small group basis - Brian
Name of meeting: a rough guide to climate change and peak oil. Viv to email poster distribution list to Marjory; Urmi and Viv to sort out poster for Monday 7 November and get to Marjory on Tuesday evening; Brian or Viv’s friend to laminate cards (cost is 99p each at Tanna’s). Viv/Marjory to make labels for web exercise and meet to run through final planning.
Future events: Willesden Wassail
This is a procession down the High Road, to be held on 22 January organised by Rachel Rose Reid. Councillor Ann Hunter suggested that money from the capital grant could be available. Rachel is looking for us to get involved in planning. Viv and Marjory are interested, and Viv will put out a request to the group for others to help out.
Viv also reported an approach from New Windows on Willesden Green, an Outer London Fund project to revive and improve Willesden High Road. She would contact them re our proposed workshop on 10 December in their ‘flagship shop’, precise location as yet unidentified.
Brent Climate Change steering group It was noted that George Latham from TTK2K had agreed Viv could represent them on this committee, as well as Transition Willesden, which we previously agreed. Viv is now seeking permission from the Council. [update this has now been approved].
Next core group meeting
Thursday 12 January 2012, 7.30pm. At Brian’s suggestion it was agreed that the meeting should be a ‘pause and think’ session. Venue – Sarah’s house.
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