Present: Viv, Sarah, Urmi, Marjory
Minutes: Marjory
Viv has details of insurance
Viv has the distribution list
Viv has leaflets and more to spare if anyone wants them
Viv has entered Transition Willesden onto the London network
Urmi will make contact with the Transition Willesden green link and email “to do” list
Viv has been in contact with Chris Wells re completion of our logo and branding. When complete we will pay Chris for the work that he has done.
FINANCE – The fruit harvesting grant of £850 has been paid into the Transition Willesden account. Aside from the grant we have a balance of £137.37.
GLADSTONBURY STALL – We agreed that our stall and the day went well. The afternoon was busy with lots of people stopping and engaging in conversation. Main themes raised: loss of green space in the local area, bee hives – two houses on Staverton Road are reported to have hives, bay leaves, harvesting etc. Urmi will try and make contact with the owners of the hives and arrange a visit. The competition went well. Two winners have not yet made contact to claim their prizes. Approximately 25 people signed up on the mailing list. For future events we felt it would be beneficial to have our own table rather than sharing with another group. We took £7.00 in donations. The pitch cost £10.00.
4 People attended the last meeting. Athena is still happy to remain as the email contact. The aim is to hold 5-7 picks and order one set of equipment. The next meeting is on 21 August.
POSSIBLE FUTURE EVENTS - food walk, picnic, fruit tree pruning, local meal, Cricklewood Silk Road Festival 7 September – stalls are £30.00 we considered having a stall at the festival.
Marjory said that in theory we can hire the kitchen at the St Mungo’s Pound Lane Hostel. However this is problematic as there is now no one on site to liaise with re arrangements/equipment etc. Dudden Hill Community Centre are supportive of Transition but do not have a kitchen. Marjory will draft a piece which can go out in the next mailing asking if anyone knows of a local, low cost, kitchen we can use.
Sarah offered the use of her home/kitchen to hold a harvest supper using locally grown or sourced food. We agreed to hold this on Saturday 12 October and invite other groups ie veg box scheme.
AOB –Urmi has emailed George at KTK re Joju/energy offer.
NEXT MEETING – Friday 30 August at 16.00 at Viv’s.
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