Transition Willesden Core team meeting 17 Sept 2012

Viv, Marjory, Urmi, Sarah


  1. 1.       Matters Arising
    1. Bread making workshop – Sustain real bread campaign group got in touch following workshop as Jonathan Goldberg had forwarded photos of workshop to them. They are interested in using the pics in their newsletter.
    2. Communications – spoke to Anna from Unlimited Printshop regarding logo. She may help, but if this doesn’t happen soon, Viv will ask Chris Wells to help.
    3. Website - ACTION Urmi needs to reserve URL for website.
    4. ACTION Viv – put twitter policy on the next meeting agenda
    5. Transition news paper would need us to take a minimum of 200 copies. We would be unlikely to shift them, so will decline.
    6. ACTION Viv will fwd London hub mtg dates.
    7. Local Transition training not happing so far, but Marjory has attended THRIVE transition training
    8. Future Events: Locally sourced meal – Viv will give Sarah Deco contacts from London Food Link conference.


  1. 2.       Public Meeting

Film show: St Mungo’s available on Monday 22 Oct. The film ‘Transition 2.0’ is 55 mins. Similar refreshments to last time. Tea/Coffee (Viv), juice (Urmi), biscuits (Marjory). Marjory will bring pickles, bay leaves to sell.

Viv will introduce film.  Marjory and Urmi can introduce what we have done  in TT willesden so far – using a slide show to illustrate. Then lead discussion and ask for wider participation and group focus i.e. What I can offer .... What would I like to happen....

ACTION Urmi will draft poster/flyer. Viv will look at general group leaflet. Need to be done by 6th to print for 10th Oct.

ACTIONs Viv to send pics to URMI who will put together slide show

ACTION Viv will ask fruit harvesting group if they have any food donations to sell


  1. 3.       Constitution /Bank account/Finances
    1. Consitution: Comments back from Marjory/Viv . ACTION Urmi will do a second draft.
    2. Bank Account – Urmi is Acting Treasurer. Will have 3 signatories for account. Urmi will fill in form and contact Viv/ Marjory for more info.
    3. Finances:

                                                               i.      We are £255 in credit.

                                                             ii.      We have informal confirmation of ward working money of £850 for the fruit harvesting group.

                                                            iii.      Expenses – 50% reimbursement of Viv’s transition conference fees of £55 i.e. £27.50 has been agreed.


  1. 5.       Core group roles/increasing membership

It was suggested that core group job descriptions useful in order to get more people involved. Need to get more people enthused and involved. Viv will send out a more descriptive request for potential core group members.


  1. 6.       Fruit harvesting group

Third meeting is tomorrow. Funding has been informally agreed as mentioned earlier.

Some concern over last minute communication about picks etc.

Michael/Viv will continue to be involved to ensure group are supported to stay within Transition principles.

  1. 7.       Website

Feedback on Transition Belsize and K2K websites as examples of what we could do:

K2K website: event led, nowhere to put other things e.g. comments about conference.

Must have : Must have: events, groups, about us on home, newsletter, join groups, photos/videos, project

Nice to have: Forum/blog, general comments, useful links, events calendar, minutes under groups etc.


  1. 8.       Future Events
    1. Future Public Meeting ideas:

Idea for a stall: Map of Willesden –‘ what I love’ pins. Could follow up with a walk

  1. Fair on 10 Oct – will not participate to conserve core team energy, but will have leaflets etc. Possible that fruit harvesting group would want to do something – give away apples, talk about group etc.
  2. Chutney workshop – Marjory.


  1. 9.       AOB
    1. New shop at Queens parade run by Elders’ voice – might be interesting to link up.
    2. North London activist support group – could offer mentoring.
    3. Feedback from conference:

How to keep core group – one idea to keep people engaged, is have a welcome/orientation email when people sign up.

  1. Sarah Deco starting a transition streets type initiative in our area, which could be a group of TW.  Viv to contact her.

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