Present:  Harriet Smith, Urmi Shah, Brian Orr, Viv Stein,

Apologies:  Lucy Walsh, Giovanna Dunmall.


1) Core group membership:

●        Giovanna Dunmall who can no longer take part in the core group as she is starting a course.

●        Ellie has not been in touch.


●        Viv to approach Sarah Langton Lockton, and Marjory to join core group


2) Review Minutes from last meeting

●        The new Website is a back-burner as the group on TK2K is good for now.

●        Urmi has set up shared document space.

●        Now contains distribution list for posters (thanks Giovanna)

●        Paragraph and Press release for next mtg not done, but possible before next meeting (by 23 Sept)

●        Harriet’s daughter not keen to write about the group

●        We have contacted Mapesbury group to offer help with their fruit picking.

●        St Mungo’s kitchen available to use for chutney making etc, possibly in return for produce!

●        Also Urmi’s kitchen for small groups.

●        Mapping group boundaries still to be done.

●        TT K2K Harvest Festival will remain as their event - we won’t have a stall etc, but will help out/attend.

●        Viv and Marjory to attend TT training this month.

●        Lucy has drafted expenses and claim form.

●        Viv has submitted our response to the Green Charter to the Council.


Jobs still to do

●        Harriet will look into public notice boards, e.g. at local schools

●        Lucy to circulate draft expenses list and claims form

●        Giovanna & Viv to write a few paragraphs about who we are and what we are aiming to do for a council newsletter / other organisations /for future press releases

●        Harriet will map our boundary (someone else also volunteered at June meeting)

●        Viv to circulate pictures from food swap meeting.


3) Next Public Meeting - Oct 3

How to get people engaged?

-> Viv will Talk about Sainsbury project

-> Urmi will introduce the meeting

-> Food swap was a great success - will do the same again

-> will talk about events such as harvest festival and chutney making


Film showing of “The story of Stuff” to leave till another meeting.  This meeting will be a talk about food growing/harvesting + discussion + food swap.


For future meeting film would be great but would need to tie in the rest of the meeting with it. Perhaps do it with a workshop “Make do and Mend” or similar, one Saturday in November?.


We could also do something jointly with Willesden History Society, along the theme of “what we can do now that they did then”.  Lucy to contact them to suggest a joint meeting in the new year.


We will approach people about possible talks, and get a few lined up for the next few meetings.


Jobs for next meeting

●        Urmi to get projector and make poster

●        Viv to arrange to distribute poster and do press release by 23 Sept

●        Viv to prepare slide show on Sainsburys project

●        Urmi to prepare intro.

●        Harriet to give Viv a paragraph about Chutney making session for next mtg, to get people signed up

●        Brian to approach Sarah LL about talk at next meeting/future meeting

●        Viv to approach Carol French  about talk at next meeting/future meeting (glorious gardens,  spoke at green fair. )

●        Another possible speaker Sandra Westbroke about talk at next meeting/future meeting (Mapesbury, gardening blog, fruit picking)

●        Harriet to try to find someone to talk about foraging at future meeting.

●        Viv to invite Sanchia (Sainsbury project) to next meeting


Other jobs

●        Urmi to contact Selena Francis-Bryden (recycled furniture and fashion) about a workshop “Make do and Mend” or simillar, one Saturday in November?

●        Viv to contact Mary Jane Baxter (milliner) about upcycling sewing workshop (  (UPDATE possible date 10th December).


4) Sainsburys Project

Viv and Sanchia Dunn from TT K2K had meeting with St Mungo’s. Sanchia has done sketches illustrating ideas so far.

How to get people involved

-> Update group at public meeting

->ask what to include in plan

-> signup for consultation day(s)

-> signup for planting/maintenance

-> other help e.g. art project, biodiversity education and food growing groups input.

Jobs: Viv to invite Sanchia to public meeting


5) Other Events


Sunday 9th Oct TT K2K Harvest Festival 10am-2pm: stalls, workshops, bike power etc, and Saturday 15th Oct TT K2K Harvest Supper and Dance.. Will promote at 3rd October meeting and encourage members to help out.


Fundraising events - perhaps gig at Rising Sun?

Jobs: Brian to ask landlady about using Rising Sun - would we need a music licence?


6) Transition Training

Viv and Majory to attend next week - will feedback at next mtg.

Next Training in London 19-20 Nov - Harriet and Urmi could attend.


7) Future Core Group Meeting Dates

10th or 11th Oct

7th or 15th Nov

Jobs: Viv to set up link on Doodle, all to sign up.


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