Present: Lucy Walsh, Harriet Smith, Giovanna Dunmall, Urmi Shah, Brian Orr, Viv Stein,
Apologies: Chris Wells
1. Working together / developing the group
Developing the core group is central to getting Transition Willesden firmly established. We will aim to meet monthly to develop overall group activities. As ‘leaders’ for 3 of the 4 potential groups from our world café – food growing (Urmi), heart & soul (Giovanna), biodiversity (Brian) are also on the core, and as Urmi is also working on a new website, we will focus for the time being on:
-developing Transition Willesden overall via the core group, the Sainsbury’s project (Viv and Ellie leading), food growing and some harvesting/foraging/cooking – Urmi to help co-ordinate, plus the website, and others to initiate food events/activities.
-Biodiversity, education and heart and soul would take a back seat for now, though biodiversity, education and food growing were also key parts of the Sainsbury’s project.
All core group members to read the Transition Primer- All members to become more active on the group forum – starting discussions, possibly organising informal events, e.g. foraging days / social meets, to get people together and talking.
Urmi is going to set up a shared document space online so that we can load documents to a central location rather than email. All to sign up to this and upload the write-ups from the last meeting and any other relevant documents.
2. Communications
Mailing list – Viv has started a database of contacts signed up at Green fair and public meetings. This includes location, skills, and email addresses, but could also include what groups they want to be involved in and ask where people heard about us. The list has 60+ names so far, but only 19 have signed up to our web group on the K2K site.
● Viv to update mailing list and sign up sheet.
● Giovanna to set up a distribution list for putting up posters
● Harriet will look into public notice boards, e.g. at local schools
● Giovanna & Viv to write a few paragraphs about who we are and what we are aiming to do for a council newsletter / other organisations /for future press releases
● Urmi to set up a new group website; minimal cost required, but with a good look which we all need to input on. Should be easy to run, manage and upload content to. There is a community based group in Estonia that host websites for free. Chris Wells (TK2K) and Paul Mackay (T Belsize) are advising us on this. Will aim for our site to be ready in 2-3 months time.
● Harriet to ask her daughter about writing about the group / our activities in the local paper (Viv already has press contacts for local papers and Brent Magazine).
● Following recent coverage of group in local press we would do our next press release in advance of next public meeting.
3. Food Events / activities
Would be nice to have seasonal events throughout the year to keep the group active and communicating – this means that there are times that the group gets together during the winter months when there is little to do planting / foraging wise. Would like to have jam making / cooking sessions.
● All to look into local groups with which we could perhaps collaborate and learn new skills, e.g. the Mapesbury Group. This will help us to establish what we as a group do / don’t want to take forward. It is also great for networking and marketing.
● What local expertise is around (could visit care homes and speak to residents about their experiences and the skills they used to need to grow food / work as a community with less readily available produce, facilities and amenities as we have today)? Can we invite anyone in to give talks / hold workshops and share skills and ideas?
● All to ask around 3-4 local places (schools / halls etc) which might have a kitchen that we could use for workshops / demonstrations and find out about any costs involved (Giovanna to ask at Roundwood Park)
● Viv (and others) to attend the Abundance picnic 6th August to network.
4. Mapping
We’ll need to draw up a map of our area as the group takes shape – the southern boundary could meet with Transition K2K’s boundary. Defining our area will help with marketing, and we should include all the areas we encompass on publicity so that people know they’re included. Posters / advertising to be carried out throughout our area. This will also help us to define where we can pick / grow and where to look for potential plots etc.
● Harriet will map our boundary (someone else also volunteered at June meeting)
● Giovanna will collate information on where we can put up posters
● All to send Giovanna suggestions of places we know you can put up posters
5. Sainsbury’s project
Together with St Mungos homeless charity we are working in conjunction with Brent Council and Sainsbury’s in Willesden Green to ‘green’ their forecourt area. The project will be funded by Brent’s ward working and Sainsbury’s. Viv met with all parties involved earlier. The project could include planting of fruit trees and veg plots. We can offer volunteer time, sustainability consultancy and advice. This is a good initial project for the group as it has roots in education, community action and sustainability. The main issue, however, is the planting and veg growing as this is the first group that we will take forward and establish. This is also a good opportunity to raise our group profile.
St Mungo’s have community gardening experience and are offering labour. We will be involved in developing a draft plan with St Mungos for the next site meeting on 13th September, and putting it to a public consultation e.g. by having stalls outside Sainsbury’s and talking with other stakeholders to get the community involved.
● Viv and Sancha Dunn (Transition K2K) and other permaculture gardeners to attend meeting in August with St Mungos to draw up an initial plan
● All to use discussion board to drum up support and ask gardeners / anyone with skills that will aid the project to come forward and volunteer. We also need to appeal for resources / equipment, e.g. paint
6. TT K2K Harvest Festival – Sunday 9th October / Dance – 16th October
TT K2K are hosting their annual harvest festival and we would like to get involved, in order to help out and see how it runs, network with our neighbouring group, and if possible have a presence as Transition Willesden to spread the word of what we are doing. If we have our own stall, we would need leaflets / information etc for this.
● Viv to send around information on the festival so that we can decide what to do (Update - see
● Giovanna to ask Marjory Frazer about possibly holding a workshop at the festival
● All to think about what we can bring on the day – local produce, food etc
7. TT Training
Core group members should attend TT training as an investment in developing the group. The next training weekend in London is 17th – 18th September . Costs £100, or £50 with bursary. Only 2 – 3 group members will attend this time – Giovanna, Harriet and Viv would like to go. Need to raise funds from the wider group, or pay ourselves and then fundraise to reimburse the expense.
- Viv to write to mailing list re fundraising and training and find out from Transition about booking bursary places.
8. Fundraising and finances
We raised £14.48 from our food swap. Need to set up a proper treasury system. Someone to volunteer as treasurer, or we could rotate the responsibilities. We’ll need a list of items which we can charge to expenses.
Fundraising ideas include cake sales, jam making – for sale or in paid for workshops
Jumble sales / raffles, and asking for donations at public meetings.
● Lucy to draft a list for expenses for next meeting.
9. Brent Green Charter consultation and links with Council
Group agreed that Viv should represent us on Brent’s Climate change steering group if Transition Willesden were allowed a place on this committee. She would also submit a response to the Councils consultation.
Jobs: Viv to circulate our write up of what the council can do as our response (update – done and submitted).
10. Meetings
Next TT core group meeting = Weds 7th September.
Next TT Willesden Green meeting = week starting 3rd October – Viv to sort dates. Update Monday 3rd October at the Rising Sun pub.
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