I know this isn't a strictly transition issue- though the make up of our urban fabric does affect us in all kinds of ways, and speed bumps have clear, and varied, impacts upon all road users.
This week the speed bumps in my road have been moved! The new ones are a little more gentle, and sit about 5 metres from the sight of the old ones.
I am baffled- firstly becuase I recieved a leaflet from Brent Council saying ( I thought ) that new policy is to remove speed bumps as roads get repaired, and not to add any new ones.
Also given the massive amount of council tax I pay I am annoyed at this waste of money-especially in this era of cuts.
Does anyone else have moving speed bumps?
The same leaflet reported that cyclists do not like them- I agree with this, though my youngest child assures me they are one of the more fun aspects of cycling.