Present: Viv, Sarah, Urmi (Minutes), Marjory
Minutes from last meeting/matters arising
Core group/membership – we have set up a gmail account, but there is currently a problem with bulk emails. Urmi will try to resolve this.
Publicity leaflet still on hold (Viv)
ACTION Urmi still to post slide show from public meeting to website
Viv ran a stall at Brent FOE/Brent Campaign against Climate Change public meeting – sold 2 books, and got a few new names on the mailing list
Wassail was well attended, but no Transition Willesden presence as no-one came forward.
ACTION Viv will look into a joint possible event/meeting with the Willesden history society
ACTION Sarah will contact Brent and sound out their views on wild/native flower planting in public spaces.
Urmi and Viv met to hand over finances. Our accounts balance is currently £219.15, but we actually have £224.77 cash. Urmi is transferring the accounts to a spreadsheet which should make it easier to keep track of and less error prone.
Bank account – Urmi has begun to fill in the application form for the CO-OP. We should be able to use Post Office counters for deposits, and make online payments. ACTION Urmi to complete this application within the next couple of weeks.
The group reviewed the latest version of the constitution once more and agreed a version. There was one clause (8 – Indemnity) which wasn’t sufficiently understood by those present to agree to, so more information is needed. ACTION Urmi to update and send out for approval.
Once approved, it will be published on the website
Future Events
Communal Meal – Another pencilled in for 3rd March. Marjory will confirm with the venue and we can then mail details out.
Network Meeting/Event –It was agreed that holding an event to forge closer links with local groups who have similar aims (e.g. Town Team, Keep Willesden Green) was is a good idea in principle. On hold for now. ACTION Viv to contact Louise from Willesden Town Team to find out what they are doing and sound out a meeting.
Stall at Mapesbury Residents Association AGM (30 April) – Agreed it would be good. Urmi and Viv can attend.
Seed/Seedling swap – could hold one outside cafe in Roundwood Park, or at Mapesbury AGM. ACTION Viv to mail out to check if anyone interested, and to check with Mapesbury group. ACTION Urmi to check with Roundwood Cafe.
Green Energy / Draftbusting meeting (end April?) –
ACTION Urmi will contact Elliot who came to the last public meeting about running a small event around green energy.
ACTION Viv will contact Transition Belsize about Draftbusting
ACTION Urmi will contact JoJu (Solar Panels) about participating
AGM could be tacked onto the end of the Green Energy meeting.
Fruit harvesting group
The meeting to review the group and look at lessons learned from last season has been postponed to 11th March.
Viv has enquired with Brent but no further news on the funding for the group.
Willesden greenspace project at Sainsbury’s site – seems to have stalled, still no news.
ACTION Sarah still to contact Brent council about their Food Growing policy to identify possible growing sites other than allotments.
Library Consultation – ACTION Viv will resend our previous submission as a response to the latest consultation. We note that the council’s decision is to be made before the public inquiry on the Town Square ends!
Next core group meeting date 12 March
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