PRESENT: Viv, Marjory, Urmi, Sarah



Sarah Deco and Brian Orr have stepped down from the core group.

Library consultation

There will be another round of consultation in August/September and a workshop for community groups on 11 September.


WG Town Team

There was a meeting earlier in the week to vote in members. Viv will continue to forward updates.


WG Green Space

Marcia did get in touch to report Sainsbury’s are making positive noises, and raising the need for a licence to occupy. Sanchia provided a critique of progress to date and raised a number of issues.


Fruit harvesting event

It was a well-attended meeting – 19 people. Jonathan’s film was well received. It was a positive start and a new group has formed. Trees have been identified for harvesting. Financially, the meeting was in profit: two books were sold and money was taken for refreshments, totalling £35.00.


Bread making workshop

Marjory reported that it was a good day, attended by four Transition Willesden people and four from St Mungo’s. Vincent who led the workshop was fantastic and the setting was good as the kitchen is next to the garden. There was good feedback from Laura at St Mungo’s.  Jonathan had taken photos which we hoped to get in local press.  Unfortunately Vincent has left area so can’t run further workshops.


Green picnic

This has dropped off the radar


Visit to Sarah’s allotment

The chairman of the allotment committee was not keen. Sarah said members of the core group were welcome to visit any time.



This is Transition Willesden’s first subgroup, to be led by Liam, working with Viv and with the involvement of Michael. Liam and his cousin John Joe are keen to lead picks. Next meeting: 20 August at St Mungos. There are already 20 or so people on the mailing list. Athena to set up email account and googledocs. Discussion needed on how subgroups link to the core group. Sarah felt that training of tree owners on how to pick and store their own fruit was important, others agreed in principle, and Viv to convey this view to group.



Transition Willesden needs a constitution in order to apply for ward working funding for the fruit harvesting group. It was agreed that Urmi would take the K2K constitution as a model and incorporate elements from the Belsize one, Marjory would look in the handbook and Urmi would investigate advice on model constitutions on the main Transition website.


Bank account

Marjory to check with the Co-op Bank re setting up a bank account. It was agreed to try to get all this in place by the end of August.



It was agreed that the core group needs four or more members. Viv to seek additional members via the group mailing and talk to Charles.



Logo – it was agreed to go with Chris’s suggestions. Viv to speak to Anna who runs the screenprinting workshops re a bit of tweaking. Core group members to test on five people, asking ’What does this logo and text make you think we are about?’



It was agreed to amend the newsletter emails to prioritise Transition events and have a para about our group – Viv to draft.



Urmi reported on her meeting with people from K2K and Belsize and discussion on the possible involvement of a group in Estonia with EU funding for community initiatives. It was agreed to look at the K2K and Belsize websites and pick out the good things, such as events, and the parts we don’t want to use. Possibilities included the website having newsletter functionality, so that people on the email list could become newsletter members. It was agreed not to do anything until September, giving the core group time to think about what we want and a feel for how it would look. It was noted that Chris would help with content and some visuals. The Estonian group are seeking to create a hub and there might be some cost. Urmi will reserve the URL, allowing up to £10 per month for hosting it.



Viv would be happy to set something up and circulate a proposal in September.



We would take 10 copies of this new newspaper, subject to cost; Viv to action.


Transition London Hub

Viv will continue to publicise the monthly London group meetings, if details are supplied in advance. We could link to the London groups website when ours is set up.



This will be on 14-16 September in Battersea; cost £100.  Viv interested to attend.



Urmi to check with George or Michael if this is being arranged locally.



Sarah Deco had suggested a meal from local foods; Viv to follow up.


It was agreed to continue to hold public meetings at St Mungo’s. The next one would be a screening of the film Transition 2.0. Then  a visioning event, which would require much more input. Marjory to check booking dates with Esther. The date has subsequently been agreed as Monday 22 October.


Next core group meeting

Monday 17 September at Sarah’s.



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