For anyone who hasn't come across the 10:10 campaign - it was launched a few weeks ago and aims to get people and organisations to commit to cut their carbon emissions by 10% by the end of 2010 - hoping to create enough pressure to encourage the government to make a national commitment. The project is backed by the guardian - see for more...

The campaign is gathering real momentum... there is going to be a motion in Parliament this week aimed at central government signing up to the 10:10 commitment. I've copied in the email I received today below which includes a quick link which enables you to write to our MP, Sarah Teather, to ask her to back the motion...

Dear 10:10ers,
This weekend we learned that the Liberal Democrats have tabled a special Opposition Day debate in Parliament on Wednesday - and it's all about 10:10. (Find out more here).

It will propose signing up Parliament, government and all of the public sector to 10:10. It's an amazing opportunity to build on the fantastic start that 35,500 of you have already made towards nudging Britain to a low carbon future. Now we need to make sure as many MPs as possible support the motion on Wednesday. Almost 50 Councils - including some of the biggest cities in the country and a third of all London Authorities - have signed up to 10:10 already, with more joining all the time. So if local government can do it, then why not central government?

It only takes 2 minutes to send your MP a message and we've made it super easy - just click this link to get started:

You're getting this email because you've promised to lead by example and reduce your own emissions by 10% next year. Wouldn't it be amazing if the government agreed to match your ambition and do the same? Instead of just talking the talk, it would be walking the walk too.

This is such a great opportunity to use the collective voice of the 10:10 community to make waves that reach beyond our own lives. We know that people power works when it comes to persuading MPs about 10:10 - a few weeks ago thousands of us emailed our MPs and nearly 200 of them signed up to the campaign within days.

Help persuade Parliament to vote 10:10:

We'll be in touch on Thursday morning to let you know how it turns out...

Fingers crossed,
Daniel, Leo, Franny, Malachi, Harriet, Ben, Duncan, Robin, Tom, Nick and everyone else at 10:10

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