Manufacturing skills and facilities preservation project

Hi all,


I wanted to ask you about an idea I've had about what to do with a diminishing trade that I think has a potential role to play in reviving the local skills and economy.  There are some manufacturing premises in the area, producing scientific equipment that for over 30 years has been exported to companies large and small around the world.


Essentially my idea is to find local apprentices that would be interested in training at the premises (possibly subsidised by finding at a later stage).

Also, there are a lot of metal scraps that are currently just waste and I've been thinking of making jewellery out it, if it's actually possible! Wondering if anyone could have a look one day and see whether you think these ideas are at all possible and whether some of the machinery used for making the equipment could be used for making the jewellery.

The machinery is now very old and needs upgrading but I'd like to preserve and continue using it if possible!
Let me know if you'd be interested, maybe best if I contact someone with more details? Who would be best?


many thanks,




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