URGENT - Save Kensal Rise from becoming a bus depot!

We have only one week to pull together and fight what will ruin the top of Kensal Rise. We need your support to preserve our thriving community and not turn it into a giant bus depot!

Brent Council is trying to build a new bus stop and layby to accommodate three buses on Chamberlayne Road, just outside Minkie’s Deli. This involves cutting down the beautiful healthy and mature tree, and narrowing the pavement which will then be too narrow for a pushchair – all to create a layby at the top of the hill: unsightly and noisy, and exacerbating already dreadful traffic congestion on Chamberlayne Road.

No residents or local businesses were consulted before this was put into play, jeopardising Kensal Rise’s family and child friendliness. Brent Council has kept this under wraps and is closing the ‘consultation period’ on FEBRUARY 5, 2010… which is THIS FRIDAY. The consultation document neglects to state that the council also intends to abolish the bus stands in Station Terrace (which holds up to six buses): this has only emerged from a telephone conversation with the transportation department. This will cause an even greater congestion problem on Chamberlayne Road. AMAZINGLY, last week, Brent Council sent workman to dig up the said pavement and move cables in order to prepare site and before the consultation period was even finished!!!

In the last three years, Minkie’s Deli has tried to help make Kensal Rise and Chamberlayne Road an aesthetically pleasing, welcoming, family-friendly and community-driven neighbourhood. Imagine walking up Chamberlayne from Harvist Road and all you see is stationary buses on the left and right hand sides of the hill.

We need your help now to stop this. PLEASE send your views to Ruben Beshirian - Traffic Engineer ruben.beshirian@brent.gov.uk. It is VERY important that you BCC us at info@minkiesdeli.co.uk so we have evidence that residents are unhappy. It appears they are trying to cover up any complaints and indeed not allowing individuals to put their case forward. Please ask your friends and neighbours to do so too.

View the consultation documents here. http://www.bmgresearch.co.uk/brent/UploadedFiles/Kensal%20Rise%20Co...

We really appreciate your support in maintaining a welcoming and safe environment on our high street.

You can also come into Minkie’s and sign our petition.


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