Save Charteris Sports Centre

A community resource.




As a sports centre it provides great value gym membership*.  It is the only local sports centre, which allows members to  "pay as your go". Apart form “gym” activities, It hosts team sports (e.g. football, badminton) fitness classes, martial arts and yoga.


Charteris is also a valuable community resource, far more than just a gym, offering, children's parties, holiday activities for children and hosts our local cycling project.  It's our "community centre" and now it's set for closure!


Our aim is to keep Charteris SERVICE run by Brent. Unfortunately Charteris Sports Centre sits on land, which can be sold to a private housing developer; Public asset stripping- Private profit!  


We ask Brent to agree to:


1) STOP the threatened closure on the 1st April 2011.


2) Agree to meet with local residents and centre users to discuss the alternatives to the "destruction" of this irreplaceable public resource.




Sign our petition (at Charteris Sports Centre)



Show your support for the campaign to save the Charteris Sports Centre. 


There is a public meeting at Charteris Sports Centre on Saturday 22nd of January from 4:30 to 6:00 pm. All welcome!


Get involved:

Post a comment to the  “Save Charteris Sports Centre” Facebook group.


Contact Brent Council to make your views known!

E mail – and  (Lead councillor for culture)


Title your E mail – Save Charteris Sport Centre and cc  (Ward councillor)


Ring Brent on 0208 937 1234 





*- from £26 per month compared to over £40 for equivalent "private" gyms.

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