"A message from Leo Johnson to all members of Queens Park Allotment on Transition Kensal to Kilburn!
Hello all, was involved with my kids in digging and laying the brick spiral for the allotment, would love to do more. Please do let me know when there is next a chance, all best, Leo"
brilliant - hopefully see you Sunday 16th - I'll be there from 10-12, maybe later. more work on getting produce for the cafe and also the new community vegbox www.fieldtoforkorganics.coop and just general planting and flower gazing :)
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Hi Leo,
Thanks for this!
Can you sign up to the QPA group on this website, please, and post your comments there rather than here, then everyone in the group will see them?
All best, and look forward to having you and your aunt properly back. Maggie
"A message from Leo Johnson to all members of Queens Park Allotment on Transition Kensal to Kilburn!
Hello all, was involved with my kids in digging and laying the brick spiral for the allotment, would love to do more. Please do let me know when there is next a chance, all best, Leo"
brilliant - hopefully see you Sunday 16th - I'll be there from 10-12, maybe later. more work on getting produce for the cafe and also the new community vegbox www.fieldtoforkorganics.coop and just general planting and flower gazing :)