What will the Kensal to Kilburn area look and feel like in 2030? What will it be like to live here? How can Transition Town Kensal to Kilburn be a part of shaping our future and making it a sustainable, resilient and locally based community? This is your chance to take part and have your say.
Come along to St Anne's Church on Salusbury Road on Thursday 22nd September from 7.30.
Please bring food and drink to share.
We hope this will be an open, engaging and fun event. We will be conducting a brief AGM for Transition Kensal to Kilburn at 7.30, and then a workshop to creatively imagine scenarios for our community's future.
For an idea of the kind of thing we could aim to create, have a look at Forest Row’s vision for 2025 at:
RSVP for Kensal to Kilburn 2030 - Help build the vision to add comments!
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