Was great on Saturday, lots of people came again and we continued with the paths and the herb spiral.

Thanks to everyone's hard work (including regulars (Pearl, Sebastian and Lana) as well as newcomers (David, Martin, thanks), new father and daughters team (Leo and girls) who came and helped out until the end), plus passer-bys with little helpers, lots was done.

The herb spiral looks a bit of a soggy mess now...


but will look fantastic once the plants are established... 

Hopefully meet this weekend (Sat 2pm weather permitting)



Please bring if anyone has (don't feel you have to!), either:

  • Established plants - bring and split at park
  • seedlings
  • shop bought
  • seeds

We have some that were bought with Capital Growth money but that has run out and we could do with more for the herb spiral.



Also we should start thinking about what to plant in all the other space...

I/We have some seeds but if anyone has seeds/plants/ideas, feel free to post here or message/call me etc...





Views: 19

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Hi Miko and everyone ...

As you know, I'm away the next three Saturdays and, generally speaking, plan to take more of a backseat again now that the mighty work of shopping and construction is complete! I'll come along when I can, though ...

If the things I've planted in my greenhouse come up, I'll have many seedlings to share out between Queens Park Allotment and my own allotment. Here's a list ... When you've had a discussion, will you let me know what you might like to have?

Courgettes; Runner beans; Butternut squash (saved seeds from The Olive Tree); Tomatoes; Red peppers; Cucumbers

Just to remind you, there are red and white onion sets in the shed in a net bag. They should go in this coming weekend if at all possible. Just make sure the root is pointing down and the narrow tip pointing up, make a small hole and drop one onion in. They need to be about 4 inches apart each way. 

Spinach, chard, peas and probably a lot of the perennials in the bag in the shed can be planted now or quite soon, direct into the ground.

Good luck with it all while I'm away. I went for a walk in the Park to have a look and thought the plot looked stunning, though not as stunning as it will with lots of plants filling up the space. Cheers, Maggie


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