I take it that the pictures on the home page were from the event that took place last night? I really wanted to go along to this but I was too ill. Anyhow, I was wondering if anyone needed any ongoing assistance with gardening on the weekends, either in allotments, at home or whatever? Please contact me via the site.



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Comment by Damian Hippisley on October 2, 2012 at 10:28

Thanks for this George. I will follow this up.

Comment by George Latham on September 28, 2012 at 15:09

Hi Damian - the pictures are actually from last night's harvet festival - but your ears might have been burning last night as we definitely are looking for people who want to get involved in gardening. 

We have several community allotments that would always welcome more help:

Queens Park - behind the cafe - meets most weekends - contact Miko or join the group on the groups page

South Kilburn - between William Dunbar and William Saville house - big site - meets Wednesday's - contact Marjory Fraser or again join the group

Five Ways - on Winchester Avenue - not sure of regular meeting time but very keen for help - contact David Young

Kilburn Jubilee Line station platform - Contact Michael Stuart or Sanchia Dunn - really amazing project with hig impact, and on the look out for more people to get involved.

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