I've just joined and look forward to meeting others. Two points of interest

1. My husband and I live in a conversation area and have had some (unsuccessful) negotiations with Brent Planning over solar panels for our front roof. We're now going ahead with panels on the sloping roof of our back extension - not as good but the best we can do at the moment.

2. I'm a long time allotment holder and skilled at preventing the weeds from growing when I'm out of town or out of the country or not able to get up there as much as I'd like. Happy to share tips with others. I don't have a car and do the whole thing by public transport. Again, happy to share experiences ...

I'm Maggie, email maggieturp@googlemail.com Please get in touch if interested in the above ...

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Comment by maggie turp on November 1, 2010 at 17:56
Thanks Geoff. I can make that and I will come along. Best wishes, Maggie
Comment by Transition Kensal to Kilburn on November 1, 2010 at 17:37
Hi Maggie - I saw your blog... given your interest and experience with allotments I thought I would highlight tomorrow night's food group meeting that is taking place at 5-ways residents hall on winchester avenue at 8pm... one of our main aims here is to develop more community allotment sites and find more growing spaces around the area - so your expertise and experience will be very relevant here! Regards George Latham

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