I find myself increasingly annoyed at being offered plastic bags by every single shop assistant - in fact it's not 'every' shop assistant, but it is most.

Sainsbury's on Kilburn High Road have taken away their bag recycling spot and since they claim they can't leave boxes for use it's all gone a bit silly.

I took exception to a shopper in front of me two days ago who bought a bag of food (that was bagged) and wanted another bag to put it in... has the shopping world gone made?

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Comment by Chris Wells on March 3, 2010 at 10:44
A friend of mine from Bournemouth told me about their transition network making hemp/canvas/recycled material bags to persuade shoppers down there to adopt them over plastic.

If you guys do the same, what do you think about adding a strong, simple branding or slogan to boost people's awareness of our Transition network? Something cool-looking and therefore desirable would be a fantastic awareness-raising tool but would also be a news-hook and something to make us aspirational. Here are a couple of initial ideas to get the grey cells working:

- I [green heart] KILBURN + KENSAL (in the same style as the famous I HEART NY graphic)
- Image of a famous local hero wearing a beret in the same style as Che Guevara with "TRANSIONISTA" written underneath
Comment by Paul Mitchell-Gears on February 13, 2010 at 13:13
I like your point that it is way to start channelling people's consciousness of sustainability.

My big worry is that the reverse effect will occur, and that as people are switching off mobile chargers and stop using plastic bags, they think that is IT and they are 'doing their bit', when in fact nothing short of some very big changes indeed are going to be enough.

But maybe you're right :)
Comment by emily rose on February 13, 2010 at 11:56
they do however leach toxic substances into the environment; get blown around ending up in the sea and countryside where they killing wildlife by strangulation and poisoning; and represent the disposable consumer society that we live in. not using plastic bags is the start to changing habits from short term convinence to a more thoughtful and sustainable way of living. oh and they last for hundreds of years.
Comment by Paul Mitchell-Gears on February 13, 2010 at 11:03
Chris Goodall, Green Party parliamentary candidate for Oxford West & Abingdon, says in How to Live a Low-Carbon Life that plastic bags aren't actually that bad for the environment. They embody a very small amount of energy each, and indeed take less energy to manufacture than paper bags. When put in landfill, they do not rot, producing atmosphere-warming methane, unlike paper. I found that interesting.

I don't buy or use any kind of bag -- just put shopping in the bag I've already got.
Comment by emily rose on February 11, 2010 at 21:51
I try and avoid the place, but when I do go I make a point of emptying all the useless packaging (you know plastic cover on an apple etc) and leaving it with the sales staff. They are very polite and seem bemused by me (daft lady, must have baby brain). I hope that maybe someone will get the point and stop wrapping everything in plastic before it gets put in the plastic bag.

Maybe we should try and raise awareness about this - make a load of material bags from recycled materials and sell them for 50p to shoppers to use instead of plastic. Anyone any good with a sewing machine??!!

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