Satish Kumar and Polly Higgins at Queen's Park Books 17th July

This was a great event, which I wrote up for Queen's Park Books website

Please read about it and Resurgence magazine there.

Lots of us were there from the group - we should have been wearing the t-shirts though!  The shop was packed, which shows what interest there is locally in activities such as ours, but quite a few members of the audience hadn't heard of us.  I'll take some of our postcards to the bookshop.

Polly's a member of her local Transition Town (in Islington) and she and Satish were impressed to see lots of us at their talk.

Satish urged us to "live a life of elegant simplicity" and Polly reminded us that we get energy from doing things we believe in - both excellent thoughts for transition.  Polly's mission - to get recognition that Ecocide is a crime - is an incredible and essential undertaking which seems obvious when she explains it.  If you missed the talk, you can read about it in her two books.

I bought copies of both Polly's books "Eradicating Ecocide" and "Earth is our Business" and am happy to lend them once I've read them.

Has anyone got copies of Satish's books to lend to the group?

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