Minutes from Harvest Supper/ Green Drinks meeting: Wed 1st Sept.

Harvest Supper is planned for Saturday 2nd October. It will take place in the Salusbury Primary School Hall and will be a joint event together with the Friends of Salusbury School.

Format for the day and rough timings:
Day events
12pm to 4pm: Workshops celebrating different aspects of Transition
Evening events
7pm to 8pm: open space meeting
8pm to 9pm: supper
9pm to 11pm: “21st century barn dance”(!)

We’ve decided to sell tickets in advance for the evening events of the festival only. Entry to the daytime will be £1 on the door (children 50p)
Tickets for the evening will be £10 each. Children over 12 may attend but pay full fare. Concessions for eldery and unwaged - £6.
Tickets will be sold at KtoK stall at QP day, and thereafter will be available from outlets around the area: Salusbury School (Sophie Wilson), Lexi Cinema (George L -agreed), Gracelands Café (GL -asked), Olive Tree (?Careen H –agreed), Tricycle (CH to ask), Worldly Wicked and Wise (Jane E to ask), Minkies Deli (Michael S to ask), Princess Freds (GL to ask Rachael Newberry).
CW is designing tickets to sell for evening, and flyers with information about the daytime events. CW is also designing posters to show put up around the area.
We should seek publicity through local newspapers (Kilburn Times) and Residents Assoc newsletters and email lists, and school psa mailing lists.

Day events and workshops to be planned (12pm to 4pm)

Food – MS is going to ask Minky’s Deli to provide a food stall, failing that GL will try Gracelands café (or poss Madame Gaultier – farmers market traiteur). Also to ask Olive Tree if they will run a juice bar.
Artistic Workshop – JE is going to ask Lynn Whiteread if she would run a workshop – possibly using the Acrimboldo vegetable portraits as inspiration.
Draught busting – David Young
Apples – juicing (BYO apples) – Michael Stuart
Clothes recycling – with fashion show later – John Smith is organising
Musical vegetable workshop – JE is to contact Mr Andrews
Basket weaving – Polly Pollock
Local history – Ed Fordham
Storytelling – Moishe house + David Young
Vegetable display – Greenspace + others – JE organising
Cycle training road safety (in playground) – Josie Warshaw
Bread making workshop – Sara Rogerson (is she confirmed?)
Jam making workshop – Molly Wilkinson.
Film showings in other rooms (In Transition)
Skill Sharing workshop – Charlie Young
Clothes/Jam/Seeds swap/ swish – Nadezhda R organising together with Emily/Huw. Bring items 12-1pm and get a token. Spend tokens and take items 3-4pm. Need to source clothes rails.
Photographic corner – with messages on chalkboards (Careen H organising through Willesden Arts Co-op)
Another idea mentioned was to hold a tug of war to demonstrate the strength present in the room (Hetti)

What we really need to happen now is for each of those organising a workshop to define a bit more about their own event – ie how long it is likely to last, what space needed, any resources required etc etc

We also need the flyers to be clear about what we would like people to bring to the events during the day eg: apples to be juiced, clothes/produce/seeds to swap/swish, bicycles to ride in cycle training, vegetables for display and for the pot etc etc

We’ve decided to wind the workshops up at c4pm, so there is a definite break before the evening’s events.

We want to make a video record of the day – so are looking for people who would like to be involved in filming.

Evening Events

7pm – open space/world café/visioning event. To engage everyone in a conversation about the future of our community. Charlie Young is seeing if New Economic Foundation will provide someone to facilitate this part, and GL is following a couple of leads from the Transition Network too.

8pm – Supper
Spice caravan are cooking the meal (MS organising). Cost £6 per head.
Aim will be to have a Morrocan Vegetable Stew and Rice.
Aim for as many of the ingredients to be as local as possible.
Encourage people to bring vegetables during the afternoon to be included in the pot.
Need to try to contact local allotments to source food
MS will speak to Christina Tyson for local sourcing ideas
MS/ CH speaking to Farmers Market for local sourcing ideas
Also speak to PaulS from Transition N Cornwall to see if he can help (GL)

Bar – Friends of Salusbury to organise.

9pm – 11pm - Celeidh
Cuttashine have been booked – describe themselves as 21st Century Barndance. Will arrive at 8.30 to set up. They have their own sound system. We’ve agreed to pay £300.

Other issues to consider.
We will need to find volunteers to help with:
Set up
Clean up
Checking tickets and controlling entry gate
Helping to serve food

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email address jennyosah@hotmail.com to know more about me thanks. Have a nice day ahead of you.


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