There is now a group set up to help schools install solar PV arrays on local schools.  This is  in response to national FOE's campaign "Run on Sun", so we are collaborating with Brent FOE on this.  So far we have identified Salusbury road and Malorees junior schools, also QPCS as having suitable roof space and orientation; we also have many points of contact with these schools.  As local councils have very little money to spare for such projects, we are looking at charitable donations (as are 10:10 with their solar schools initiative) or a community share issue as means of raising capital.  The latter has proved very successful in other parts of London and the UK.   If you would like to be involved, please come along to the next meeting, Tuesday 23rd September, 7.30 at my place. Communication via  please.  Nick Hartley

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Interesting link on Community Solar

This might be useful: tools, templates and funding for renewable energy projects


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