There is such a long, long waiting list for allotments, what about considering a community allotment scheme. Does anybody know anything about this?

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Funny you asked this, I rang up the allotments of Brent the other day. I put my own name down on 2 waiting lists - one in Gladstone Park (1 year only!) and the other in Furness road ( i think!) about 1.5 yrs to 2 yrs - so a) not that long and B) I don't mind making one into a community allotment because I won't have time to do it by myself anyway.
I did ask him if he could speed it up if it was to be given over to community growing - he said there wasn't much he could do to speed it up.
However, maybe when we map the land to see which bits are non cultivated and free, our "community allotment" could be started somewhere else- the bit of land near kensal rise bridge /purves road by the railway track apparently is qute large.
You and Yours on R4 was all about community allotments today, people finding big spaces and working them as a group. only caught the end of it but it might be worth a listen again? I agree, it would be very satisfying to create a community allotment rather than wait for years for a small patch.
Yes Clare, that's where I got the idea from (not so original, am I?) I have been on the Furness Road list for about 3 years now, but if anyone has an allotment already that they find too big for just themselves, maybe we could join it. Could we find out somehow? Or put a request on the website.

Petica, if you are talking about the piece of wasteland by Princess Freds, the school has been after it for ages, but the railway won't give it to us. I'm not sure it would be suitable because of electricity cables.
Hello folks!

After enquiries of my own, drawing the same responses, and conclusions regarding Gardening, and "Grow-your-own" opportunities within our borough. Having joined a few 1-2-3+year long lists for allotment space and started to get a little despondent about whether I'd EVER get the opportunity to grow m'own grub, well I've happened upon a great website on created by Channel4 [of all organisations!-Good on'em!] as an alternative to the allotments fiasco [Grrr Brent!], but no less community based/engaged.
which in short: gets those with land in contact with those without land but with enthusiasm and or knowledge to help cultivate said lands [breath!] so waste not want not land-wise. My flatmate & I are in contact and indeed digging up a lady's backyard this weekend in prep for the spring [i know, its light years off but mulching needs to be done properly! And we're tackling this on the permaculture front, so maximum prep - minimum dig/disruption later!]

MY POINT BEING: use this to contact people, form a band of merry like minded locals [as is on this very site!] and ask to use some ones land [declare that a community garden space is desired from the outset], there is a sizeable property still available to muck in @Brondesbury, near Kilburn. maybe more, if you publicise the site, more people will publicise the land they have available.

Good Luck, keep me informed as to progress on this front.

Regards, Ben


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