TUESDAY 19 July at William Dunbar/Saville Meeting Room

Chair: Michael, Minutes: Jen and Marjory

Present: Michael, Marjory, Jen, Heather, Miko and Molly
Apologies: Ash and sorry there may have been others but I didnt catch who they were

Guest Speaker: Catherine from River of Flowers

River of Flowers
Guiding Ethos:
. Plant to encourage pollinators which are vital in pollinating food
. Grow flowers, both edible and medicinal, alongside food in any imaginable space
. Work in partnership with chefs and architects ie Bug Life
. Currenlty involved in two projects/campaigns opposing use of pesticides and promoting all pollinators
. Eradicating Pesticides, 5th crime against peace by Polly Higgins, International Lawyer, is recommended

How can TKK and food growing sites incorporate the above:
. Promote River of Flowers ethos
. Plant wild flowers in our food growing sites ie red clover
. Ensure the food growing area is pesticide free
. Think about the source of the seeds that we use (some seed suppliers add pesticide to seeds)
. Consider weeds not as unwanted plants but as valuable plants
. If we only plant three plants use Mallow, Birds Food Trefoil and Vipers Bugloss
. Buy bulk supply of seeds and share out. Seeds can be supplied through Emorsgate Seeds
. River of Flowers can provide information and workshops for a donation. Possible workshop - Making Bee Hotels
  at Harvest Festival
. Agreed to send email to food group seeking views and how to action above
Visit to William Dunbar/Saville Allotment
Catherine identified wild flowers present in the allotment ie Feverfew and Mallow.
Agreed lots of progress has been made since April!

Recycling Boxes Recycled into Planters for Potatoes?
Brent are shortly to change their recycling containers. This will result in a surplus of green boxes which are perfect for growing vegetables. They are a good size and already have drainage holes.
Michael will feedback to Viv that we support this idea.

Vegetable Box Scheme
Miko has had a positive meeting with Marissa from Sustain. He has been advised to keep the scheme simple.
Miko has devised a questionnaire to identify potential interest and need. We agreed that the Food Group could assist with piloting the questionniare and giving to people to complete at the various food growing sites.
Miko is hopeful that some funding will be available for the project. If anyone is interested in being involved with the project please contact Miko.

Cooking Workshops
Michael raised this as the idea seems to be popular and keeps coming up at various events. We talked about those who involved in the food growing sites cooking a communal meal with food harvested ie soup, stir fry. Marjory agreed to assess potential interest and veasibility. We would also needs a venue.

Harvest Festival Update
Miko will be involved in a Map of Food Growing Sites. We agreed to send any good photos of the various food growing sites to Miko. We discussed what we wanted to do as a group for the Festival. Possibly a session making Bee Hotels via River fo Flowers?

Abbey Hive have free compost on offer. Miko and Michael offered to collect and deliver to William Dunbar. Thank you!

Allotment Update
William Saville/ Dunbar - we visited the site earlier
Kilburn Underground Station - the planters will be entered into a competition. They need to look good for the judging!

Food Group - What is it about?
. Mixture of awareness raising and socialising
. Action!
. Agreed to put as first agenda item at next meeting. Prior to this we will start an online discussion.

Cider Making
Miko will look into arranging a workshop. We all know that this will be very popular.

Seed Saving Workshop
Marjory said that Capital Growth are runnning a Seed Saving Workshop in the Autumn. Details available on their website.

Leadership Training
Marjory has been in contact with the London Wildlife Trust around training for leaders of food growing sites and is awaiting contact from their training officer. She will let everyone know the outcome.

Next Meeting
Wednesday 7 September @ 7.30 for food 8.00 for meeting @ Five Ways Residents Assoc Hall
Chair: Miko

Views: 22

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