Food Group meeting June 15th 2011
Transition Town Kensal to Kilburn Present: Heather, John S, Maggie, Marjory, Matthew, Michael, Miko, Sanchia, Taaliba
Veg box scheme
John presented his idea of getting veg delivered by a farmer from within 30-40 miles, volunteers breaking the delivery down and either a collect or simple delivery. Pointed to Stoke Newington as a success (600 customers) and suggested South Kilburn and / or whole Transition Town area. Simplicity is the keyword, with admin kept to a minimum and a touch of anarchism. Ted’s veg could be involved and a bag cost £7, cheaper and bigger than alternatives. Volunteers could get veg in exchange for their time.
Miko has the same idea. His model is of paid co-ordinators to organise for sustainability / continuity with volunteers packing. This might need fundraising. Schemes known about include Beethoven Centre locally, veg van in Sutton.
Group discussion raised:
■Need to pay admin person
■Concern not to undermine local business. Possibility to work with them.
■Whether or not to do a day’s market research in South Kilburn before starting (some in favour, some not)
■Agreement schools are a good distribution point and may be interested
■Better in South Kilburn for people to buy on the spot than pre-order if possible
■Widen out to cookery demos
■Detailed discussion of different methods (pre-order, variable boxes, delivery etc)
John will get sample bag and price and bring to the next meeting.
TT Harvest Festival
Will be in October. Hundreds of people came last year and it was an enormous success. Agreed we want food growing to be included this year. Suggestions include foraging walk and apple juice making. People interested in joining a festival organising group: Miko, Sanchia, Taaliba with Heather and Marjory thinking about it.
River of Flowers
Agreed to invite to hold workshop on wild flowers in October, possibly as part of South Kilburn gardening event, and in the meantime to invite to Food Group for 20 minute talk.
Kilburn Jubilee Station looks great and planting went well with 9 people attending. Key now is enough people to help water. Please join the Kilburn tube group on the website to join in and co-ordinate. There’s a tap and watering cans in the mess room on the platform – just say ‘Transition town’ and ask staff to unlock.
Queens Park has a hose and water butt. Elaine contacting café about food supply.
South Kilburn has increasing numbers involved. Marjory will be there Sat 25th 12-2pm. Access is via a gate at back of carpark next to West Kilburn Baptist Church on Carlton Vale. Need cover Wed 29 June and 13 July at about 3pm.
Seedling swap went well. Would start it from 12 next time as 10 too early. Michael will find out more about seed-saving workshops.
Cooking workshop: falafel workshop went well and there’s definitely interest in similar cooking sessions, for social as much as learning purposes.
To discuss next time.
Using 1,000 kg harvested pears and apples
Suggestions include cider, offering to local groups (eg Kilburn Youth Station and S Kilburn Pensioners) to get involved in cooking and / or picking; stall on Kilburn High Road with simple recipe leaflet; schools (Miko asking class rep). Better to charge for fruit so it’s valued and better take-up.
Michael was bowled over with offers to help organise harvesting from Sanchia, Maggie and Matthew.
Next meeting Tue 19th July at 7.30 to eat and 8pm to start meeting (bring and share food)
Chair: Michael, Minutes: Maggie. Venue: next to South Kilburn allotment: William Dunbar Meeting Room, William Dunbar House, Albert Road, Kilburn, London, NW6 5DE. Full directions to follow.
Views: 30
Just to add as a complimentary subject, I have a friend Meg Amsden who lives in Suffolk. She runs, writes and makes eco puppet shows. I saw her latest one recently at the Burgess Park, May festival in Camberwell and it was quite brilliant.
It was all about the cycle of life, how hedgehogs relate to slugs, how owls relate to mice and growing veg. She shows all this with the help of the most beautiful puppets. I was wondering whether the urban kids (5 -11 yr olds) would be able to relate to it all, but they were absolutely captivated throughout.
I think we must invite her to perform the show next to our TT raised bed for Queens Park day, or maybe during the school holidays? - it would be a perfect complimentary event for the Transition ethos. Is there anyone who could ask Richard who runs the park? Maybe the show could be performed at the harvest festival? or at Salusbury School? Let me know what you think when you have a mo.
Here are her links: Meg Amsden : Pips WildLife Garden - puppet show
Just to add as a complimentary subject, I have a friend Meg Amsden who lives in Suffolk. She runs, writes and makes eco puppet shows. I saw her latest one recently at the Burgess Park, May festival in Camberwell and it was quite brilliant.
It was all about the cycle of life, how hedgehogs relate to slugs, how owls relate to mice and growing veg. She shows all this with the help of the most beautiful puppets. I was wondering whether the urban kids (5 -11 yr olds) would be able to relate to it all, but they were absolutely captivated throughout.
I think we must invite her to perform the show next to our TT raised bed for Queens Park day, or maybe during the school holidays? - it would be a perfect complimentary event for the Transition ethos. Is there anyone who could ask Richard who runs the park? Maybe the show could be performed at the harvest festival? or at Salusbury School? Let me know what you think when you have a mo.Here are her links: Meg Amsden : Pips WildLife Garden - puppet show
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