This project was born out of my experiences of having my first child, and how much it made me question myself and everything i thought was normal.

I couldn't help but be drawn to reading books looking at parenting practices, and deciphering them was hard. I started to realise that we (mothers and fathers) don't trust ourselves anymore to do the right thing, it is almost as if we have handed over responsibility to those in power, be it the media, politicians, teachers, or our own parents to tell us how to do it. This seemed wrong to me.

So i started to look for people who were working against this systematic dumbing down of our abilities to parent without the props of consumerism and the media, and found the people i interviewed for this film. They enlightened me and i hope will do the same for you.

Throughout making the film, i took my 18month old son with me on my journey and learned to work in a way that accommodated him in my film-making. He taught me the importance of not taking myself too seriously - and working on through his off-camera noises...

I hope that the film is something that starts a debate, a thought or something that will help you to follow your instinct and not be led down the mainstream, self-conscious, tried and failed route.

Peace and love,

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Comment by Clare Latham on March 26, 2012 at 16:07

Loved it - a film very much on the side of the child, thought-provoking and with some excellent poetry, which really brought it all home.  Good to be reminded of how simple the important parts of child rearing are.

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