Hello everyone!
I think that I mentioned a young designer called Jochem Faudet at a meeting a while back. His main focus at the moment is working on ways to grown vegetables etc in the city, and creating mechanisms to help people do this in practical way.
He likes to use existing structures and to make things very low maintenance - for example his mini urban greenhouse system stores rainwater and monitors the moisture level in the soil, then distributes water accordingly. Take a look at two projects on his website Freeloader and Grow Your Own for a better idea:
Anyway - I told him about Transition Town Kensal to Kilburn and he was very interested in the community aspect of it, and he mentioned that he had some larger scale ideas that he was interested in working on. I think that it would be really interesting to have him propose some community/urban garden ideas that he'd like to try out in our area - or to put it another way, to maybe open our area up to him as a site for experimentation.
I'm going to try to meet up with him later this week anyway (for another project) but if anyone is interested in him coming up here for a chat and to tell us what he's doing and what he has in mind, please tell me! (Or, indeed, if anyone can think of a Transition Town issue that might benefit from the attention of a product designer, do mention that too).
Have a good week
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