Hello again... I promised to post some pictures of the habitat panel I made recently. Firstly a picture of what inspired me - a very simple, colourful panel I saw recently at the Ecobuild exhibition at the Excel centre.
The Easter weekend wasn't the most dazzling advert for the season of growth and warmth to come, but I decided to spend a couple of days outdoors learning some basic woodcraft (in the snow for a few hours, it turned out). I'm not keen to use the word woodwork, because these were some very basic skills I was learning. Also for that reason (amongst others), we decided not to spend too much money on materials, using only found wood, bark, leaves, twigs, cardboard and other materials. A few cold hours slaving away and cutting pieces of wood into smaller pieces of wood - tadaa! wonky shonky, but will the bugs know?
Some of the log rounds were from self-seeded ash trees that I'd decided to start coppicing in a very zen-like, permaculture way of turning a very big, constant headache into a solution, ie our very our urban coppice. We spent a few pounds on a cheap mitre box (which I reduced somewhat in size in parts....) and on panel pins. My lovely husband allowed me to use his tools under close supervision, and I'm pleased to say we're still married and talking.
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