Moss (or 101 Ways to Procrastinate while in the Garden)

I know Spring is a bad time for my long forgotten winter blogpost and pics. But I'll be brief.

If there's one type of plant (Angiosperms vs Bryophytes? I'll leave someone better informed to fight it out) that looks amazing in the depths of winter, it's moss. I know very little about them, but I love them at this time of year. They seem so vibrant and bursting with life at a time when everything else has gone a bit quiet and underground. So I have a bit of respect for them. For the kid in me, I pretend these mounds of tiny organisms are from a Lilliputian planet and and that I play out tiny adventures around them. But to the designer in me, there's nothing more elegant than the smokey, grey-greens and olive greens of moss, and the dusting of fine dew that makes the colours glisten. So take a closer look at the mini landscape growing on the brick wall in front of my house....

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Comment by Ursula on April 7, 2013 at 16:57
Moss brings back happy memories from an Irish childhood. There was a grove behind my house and the local children used to congregate there, well away from prying adult eyes . sometimes we would build small moss houses from the ample supplies on the woodland floor. We would sit inside for what seemed like hours, looking at nature from a completely different vantage point. Happy days. I still love moss and it's great to see it growing freely here in the city ... during the lean winter months especially. Thanks for the reminder!

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