Hello everyone,
Really gutted to be missing the Harvest Festival, though have recruited quite a few people to come along! I really hope it is a success! I have set up an appointment on either the 5th or the 6th of November with Glenda's parliamentary assisstant to lobby her on green issues, both national and local and was wondering if anyone would like to come along with me (the more the merrier, and the more powerful we are at getting our message across)
Stop Climate Chaos, the biggest climate coalition in the UK is coordinating a mass lobby (for more info see
www.thebigconnection.org) on that day and environmentally conscious people like you and me will be lobbying their MPs up and down the country forming a critical mass that will show this new government we mean business and that our voices must be heard.
We could do it as a TT K2K event! I have to let her assistant know fairly soon about numbers, so if you're interested, do give me a call on 07886584540 or drop me a line on hannah.mowat@queenspark.me.uk. It would be really great to have you there, and we could have a convivial pre-lobby meeting to organise questions and lobby techniques - I offer tea and home-made cake, or we can go to Hugo's organic café for a glass of their freedom beer!)
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