This is postponed to Sun 31st because of the weather.
Foraging walk in Kilburn
Sunday March 24th 2013
Pick and eat a fresh salad growing wild in Kilburn. We’ll do a group walk to identify and talk about as many wild edible leaves as we can find - from dandelion to cleavers, lesser celandine to nettles. We’ll end in a local pub eating a tasty freshly picked salad. The walk is for beginners and experienced foragers alike with an ethos of everyone sharing knowledge rather than an expert leading.
Where and when?
Sunday March 24th - Meet at the gates of so-called Paddington Cemetery, Willesden Lane, NW6 7SD (near the Prince of Wales pub and Tesco) at 2.15 for a 2.30 prompt start. If you arrive later then head towards the bee hives by turning left inside the cemetery and keep going till you hit a wall.
For more information email:
Free event with Urban Harvest
and with Kensal to Kilburn Fruit Harvesters and Transition Kensal to Kilburn
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