July 3, 2012 from 7pm to 9pm – Kensal Rise Primary School HallThe next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, 3 July 2012 at Kensal Rise Primary School, Harvist Road, London NW6 (new venue).
Start time is 7pm prompt.
Publicising consultation on the council’s propos…Organized by Consultation Team, Brent Council | Type: local, community, meeting, -, brent, council
September 21, 2016 from 7pm to 9pm – London Interfaith Centre, 125 Salusbury Road NW6 6RGThis meeting is organised by Brent council. It's worth attending if you are of the many Londoners who are increasingly worried about air pollution.
Who's responsible for monitoring and assessing ai…Organized by Brent council | Type: brent, connect
April 4, 2017 from 7pm to 9pm – St Gabriel’s HallBrent council is inviting residents to have a say on its new Air Quality Action Plan, which sets out 20 key actions to address air pollution in Brent. It describes what the council can do and who the…Organized by Brent council | Type: brent, connects