Learning From Kilburn

Event Details

Learning From Kilburn

Time: April 12, 2014 at 6am to April 26, 2014 at 10pm
Location: Kilburn, various
Website or Map: http://learningfromkilburn.co…
Event Type: education
Latest Activity: Apr 4, 2014

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Event Description

To book a free class go to the website and click on the class you are interested in.

Economics: How does money work in Kilburn? (Part 2)

A class with Charles Davies

Saturday 12 April, 12–5pm

Tricycle Theatre, 269 Kilburn High Road, NW6 7JR


Leading on from an earlier session, this class will ask how money works in Kilburn, attempting to collect and collate the narratives that we project on to money, and what it tells us about ourselves individually and collectively.



Graphic Design: Typography and the High Road

A class with OK-RM

Wednesday 16 April, 7–9pm

(Venue to be confirmed)


This class will use the graphic language of typographies and typologies found along the High Road the study whether Kilburn has its own urban graphic dialect. Can a neighbourhood develop a singular visual identity? What would a Kilburn patois be?


Housing: Where does Kilburn live? (Part 2)

A class with Daisy Froud

Tuesday 22 April 7–9pm

Gorefield House Community Room, Canterbury Road, NW6 5TA



This class will explore the mix of housing in Kilburn in greater detail, and how it has come to be this way. We will begin to collectively draft a manifesto for a possible future(s) of housing in the area. As London’s density increases, what does this mean for Kilburn?



Pedagogy: A radical education in Kilburn

A class with Harriet Harriss

Thursday 24 April, 7–9pm

Tricycle Theatre, 269 Kilburn High Road, NW6 7JR


What is the value of a tiny university? How can radical forms of education be useful systems for engagement and dissemination of new ideas? This class will discuss how a ‘live project’ could facilitate an alternative form of education, and ways to build on this in a local context.


The final three classes will take place on Saturday 26 April, in a series of three 

two-hour sessions.


Urban Studies: Ageing and the city

A class with Sophie Handler

Saturday 26 April, 11am–1pm

Tricycle Theatre, 269 Kilburn High Road, NW6 7JR



How would an elderly person use an area like Kilburn? What are the different points of reference for using the city as we grow old? This class will explore how ageing affects our understanding of our surroundings, and ways of designing for all ages.


Geography: Where does Kilburn finish?

A class with Verity-Jane Keefe

Saturday 26 April, 1.30–3.30pm

Tricycle Theatre, 269 Kilburn High Road, NW6 7JR



Where does Kilburn finish? Where are the invisible edges of the neighbourhood? What the points of transition and convergence with surrounding areas? This session will collectively map the physical and perceived boundaries of Kilburn.

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