Last Spring Abundance London created a very successful Edible High Street in Chiswick High Road and it would be great if we could have one here in our area too in 2013. It would be a high profile way of illustrating what Transition Town is all about and would take forward the food growing initiatives on Kilburn Station and elsewhere. 
The Chiswick Edible High Street involved 55 fruit and nut trees - apple, plum, greengage, pear being planted in tubs outside various host shops who had agreed to sponsor a tree. The effect was to create a 'river of trees' along Chiswick High Road. 
There was a grand launch day with press coverage and local children making paper fruit to hang on the trees.  Then the trees stayed outside their host shops (brought in at night) for six weeks brightening up the High Road. Afterwards the shops either chose to keep their tree or they were given away to local schools, hospitals or old folks homes.
Volunteers are needed to instigate an Edible High Street on our Kensal to Kilburn patch.  If anyone would like to help in any part of the Edible Team, it would involve an initial meeting with Abundance London, then giving out leaflets to Salusbury Road and Kensal Rise shops and talking to them about the project in January 2013. Then potting up the trees in March and delivering them in May and finally collecting up the trees in June and redistributing them to their new homes.

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If anyone would like to be involved in the Edible High Road project, there's lots to do so leave your name and I'll get back to you. Jobs are:

Salusbury High Road shops to approach before end of january,

shops to invoice,

trees to order,

tubs to source,

soil to source,

driver and van for pick up and delivery of trees,

publicity to seek,

local schools to approach.

Field to Fork will be happy to help as discussed on delivery day :)

Keep us posted?

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