How do people dispose of used cooking oil? Walnut restaurnt on West End Lane accepts oil from the public and recycles it along with their own used oil (it gets collected and processed). People leave tubs of oil on their doorstep. Would be good to have more chippies etc doing that.
That's interesting. What do they use it for when they recycle it though?? more cooking? I generally don't use large amounts in cooking, but it would be good to find out what those fish and chip shops and Chicken Cottages do...
I think we should get a restaurant/food outlet scheme together to deal with cooking oil and food waste.
Firstly, finding out what they do do, and raising awareness. Next, diverting it from land fill (where it will lead to methane emissions 23 times more than C02) by recycling. Cradle to cradle, not cradle to grave.
there are lots of schemes going on in cities already. Food can be given to the poor or we could look into a community composter; oil can be used to power vehicles (but doesn't this still release carbon?)