We all know air pollution in London is bad but how bad is it exactly where we live?
To find out what the situation is exactly in our part of North West London, Transition Kensal to Kilburn and Transition Willesden carried out an air pollution monitoring project in 2016 (click here for results).
If you want to find out what the quality of the air is in North West London nowadays, you can check the Breathe London website.
You can click on the different air pollution monitoring stations located in the area and find out what the levels of particulate matter (PM 2.5) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) are.
Six years since TTKK measured air pollution in the area, the air quality in our part of North West London remains poor. However, since October 2021, Brent south is covered by the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ). That has led to a 20% drop in NO2 across the expanded ULEZ zone, according to a report published by the Mayor of London in July 2022.
If you want to receive regular updates about air pollution news for Brent and London and/or want to share articles and other bits of information about air pollution please join this group.
Members: 26
Latest Activity: Jul 25, 2022
Here are the results of our pollution monitoring TTK2K map. As you can see all but two of our sites are over the EU legal limit for nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and Kilburn High Road is nearly twice the limit
And here are the results for Transition Willesden TW map 1 and TW map 2 Seven of our 10 sites were above the EU legal limit for NO2, with Cricklewood Broadway being over twice the limit.
In all 75% of the 20 sites tested exceeded legal limits for the pollutant.
We met in mid January along with other community groups to decide on actions to follow up this and combat pollution in our area. Watch this space for how to get involved.
Brent residents have until Thursday 9th March to comment on Brent Air Quality Action Plan for the next 5 years.This new plan sets out 20 key actions to address local air pollution in Brent.It…Continue
Started by Amandine Alexandre-Hughes Feb 14, 2017.
Hi allHere's a press release about our project so far:Four Brent community groups have been monitoring air pollution in the southern part of the Borough as part of a citizen science project across…Continue
Started by Viv Stein Jan 30, 2017.
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We now have filtered air conditioning in our house and the fliters are black after only a few weeks. Just in case I have a neighbour with a badly adjusted boiler, does anyone else have filters that I could compare mine to?
Here's where to get tickets for 'The Air we Breathe' Clean Air for Brent's public meeting -
Our second speaker Simon Birkett, founder and director of Clean Air in London is confirmed. Come and find out what you can do about this public health disaster.
Hi all,
Air pollution isn't attracting much attention in this general election and the manifestos make scant mention of it. If you can go to these hustings or any others then make sure you ask what they are doing about pollution:
Hampstead & Kilburn General Election Hustings
Sherriff Centre St James Church, Sherriff Rd, London NW6 2AP - Tue 23 May 7.30pm
In the meantime the government is currently consulting on its plans to improve air quality following a legal challenge in the high court. It is important that we respond to the consultation to express our disappointment at the lack of concrete actions. The deadline for this is 15 June. This is the link so please take a few minutes to complete it:
https://consult.defra.gov.uk/airquality/air-quality-plan-for- tackling-nitrogen-dioxide/
Hi all,
Thanks Janey. Good to tell folks that the public meeting will be on Thursday 6th July. Save the date and hope to see you all there,
TTKK has joined with other residents groups to form Clean Air for Brent - to tackle pollution in our area. We are planning a public meeting with prestigious speakers and information on what you can all do to alleviate the dreadful situation. It will be at Brent Civic Centre's conference hall. Sir Michael Marmott is our first confirmed speaker - others to be announced. More details under events http://ttkensaltokilburn.ning.com/events/clean-air-for-brent-the-ai... We will soon have a dedicated website and a new mailing list to join for updates. Let me know if you would like to be added to this. I'll also be updating the group about this at this Saturday's TTKK open meeting at 3pm in the park so come along to that.
See below a link towards an article published in the Ham and High on January 17th about air pollution monitoring in West Hampstead.
“At the junction of Fortune Green Road and Finchley Road, they were 165.4g/m3 which is close to the highest I have seen recorded in London,” Ms Paul said.
Brent Council has raised its residential parking charges. Some will be upset by this news and think of it as a money-raising scheme but it is a vital step towards discouraging car use in the borough and in the struggle for cleaner air.
The UK government has been ordered by a High Court judge to draw up an improved plan by July next year which must bring air pollution within legal limits. More information here.
In case we needed any extra motivation to campaign for better air quality...
We've just got the results of our ten nitrogen dioxide tubes and as expected it's not great news. We'll post a new map with full details soon (it's just being tweeked) but all but two recorded readings of over the European limit - 40 µg/m3 . The two that were under the limit were in Queen's Park and on Algernon Road - see the locations on the map earlier in this stream. The worst was at the junction of Kilburn High Road and Brondesbury Road where it was almost double the limit. The others were in the 40 to mid-fifties range. We'll hold a meeting in January to discuss this further and get together an action plan, which we had a great initial brainstorm about. For example we'll contact local residents, schools and businesses, both to encourage them to help reduce levels of what they contribute to these high levels and also to help them avoid breathing them in. Start gathering your ideas of how you'd like to help take action! Meeting date and venue to follow soon.
I've just found out about Vehicle Idling Action, an education and behaviour change campaign to help reduce localised air pollution caused by motorists who leave their engines running when stationary.
12 GLA local authorities are running monthly event until March next year, with teams of local volunteers and project staff.
For more information visit the dedicated website.
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