Posted on January 30, 2010 at 17:36

Plans are afoot for a London Permaculture Festival some time this summer It’s high time we strengthened and celebrated London’s vibrant yet scattered Permaculture & Transition community. Our aim is to connect people and groups, share news, information & skills, and have a good time while we’re doing it. We’re looking for as many people as possible who are directly or indirectly involved in Permaculture to help form a strong and…
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I live in Tufnell Park, but work week days in the Russell Square area. If you're around that way any day (except this Tuesday) we could meet up for lunch or a cuppa? If that's no good then I'll need to re-think,
Thanks for your message and for showing interest in this project. Would you be free to meet next friday during the day?
If not, let me know when are good days and times to meet up.
I am based in Kensal Green and you?
Speak to you soon,