
Transport Group (online group)

Members: 40
Latest Activity: Mar 3, 2017

Discussion Forum

Safer Streets so that children can walk, scoot and cycle to school

Want to make your LOCAL STREETS  SAFER for everyone and help improve everyones  local environmentsPlease go to this Sustrans link    …Continue

Started by josie warshaw Oct 8, 2014.

Eco driving course

It's to do with cars! Is this a good idea? I feel strange putting it up here! Eco driving courses with a difference. Global Action Plan's Eco driving programme offers a new way of learning driving…Continue

Started by Transition Kensal to Kilburn Jul 28, 2011.

Cycle Parking 4 London

The London Cycling Campaign’s Cycle Parking 4 London campaign is asking for 100,000 new cycle stands across Greater London as a solution to the current massive shortage. You can use a new website to…Continue

Started by Julie Thomas Nov 10, 2010.

Kensal Rise Bus Stops - a plan for Brent Council 2 Replies

We kicked out the crazy tree felling lay-by on Chamberlayne Road, but sadly that's not the end of it - Brent want to improve traffic flow.I would like to start a discussion about how best to solve…Continue

Started by Rik Smith. Last reply by Rik Smith Apr 16, 2010.

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Comment by josie warshaw on November 5, 2010 at 16:01
There has been an e mail discussion going about trying to get Lonsdale Road opened to cyclists in the area and beyond - thought people may like to read the conversation -Josie
Mike Evans is the Sustainable transport Officer in Brent
I started this conversation knowing the good news that Bike Ability Training is coming very soon to the children at Salusbury Primary School. Bike Ability Training has also begun already for mums affiliated to Salusbury World . Any unwanted bikes would bemuch appreciated for this project and to star a Salusbury bike club . Contact Sarah Reynolds at Salusbury World if you have one you no longer use . Cycletastic are supporting this work to help service bikes and help to make this happen.

--Original Message-----
From: Josie Warshaw Sent: 03 November 2010 15:23
To: Smith, Paul; Evans, Mike; Sisodiya, Paul; Pigott, Adrian;; Michael Stuart; Ian Saville; Ben
Tansley; Rosie Tharp; Marguerite Reinig
Subject: Lonsdale road leading to Salusbury School

Hello again Paul

There is a lot of cycling activity about to and presently starting up
at Salusbury Primary school NW6.
The safest and most direst bike route through for young and older
riders from the 11 streets area and beyond to get to school would be
to come up Lonsdale Road but this has been made a no entry road wihin
the "Streets for People" work carried out and one way for car drivers
only .

Please would you let us all know when it is gong to be possible to
put an EXCEPT BIKES sign on the no entry signs at the Tennyson Road
end of Lonsdale Road so that everyone can cy legally and more safely
CYCLE up this road ?
Would it also be possible to increase the Bike Parking at the top of
Lonsdale Road with colleagues at Brent Council within the bike
parking planning department ?

Many Thanks for any help you can give us on this
Josie Warshaw


-----Original Message-----
From: Smith, Paul
Sent: 04 November 2010 09:17
To: 'Josie Warshaw'; Evans, Mike; Sisodiya, Paul; Pigott, Adrian;
''; 'Michael Stuart'; 'Ian Saville'; 'Ben
Tansley'; 'Rosie Tharp'; 'Marguerite Reinig'
Cc: Plumridge, Jared; Francis, Robert; Boddy, Peter
Subject: RE: Lonsdale road leading to Salusbury School

Hi Josie,

Just to clarify, Lonsdale Road was not made one-way as part of the
Streets for People scheme, it was a separate scheme that was carried
out after the Streets for People scheme was completed. I was not
involved in this scheme.

With regards to putting up 'except cycles' signs, this is not
currently possible. The Traffic Signs Regulations and General
Directions 2002 (TSRGD 2002) prescribes what traffic signs can be
legally erected on the public highway and it currently does not allow
the 'No entry' sign and 'except cycles' sign to be used in
conjunction with one another. Any sign that is not within this
document requires site specific Department for Transport (DfT)

Certain boroughs are trialling the 'No entry' sign and 'except
cycles' sign with approval from DfT and Brent will be looking to
follow the recommendations made from these trials.

With regards to additional cycle parking on Lonsdale Road, there is
no longer a budget specifically allocated to cycle parking however,
my colleague Robert Francis is currently working on a Neighbourhood
scheme nearby and may be able to provide some cycle parking as part
of this. I will ask him to liaise directly with you on this.

Kind regards,

Paul Smith
Senior Traffic Engineer

Office: +44 (0) 20 8937 5143
 Fax: +44 (0) 20 8937 5129
Address: Highway and Transport Delivery Service Unit, Brent House,
349-357 High Road, Wembley, Middlesex, HA9 6BZ

Dear Paul

I had a discussion with people at Salusbury Road School the other day. Is it true that Lonsdale Road is unadopted? If so, do DfT regulations apply?

Also, in Camden (West Hampstead, b/t West End Lane and Swiss Cottage) there are numerous roads with counterflow, simply designated by white lining and a cycle+arrow going in the counterflow direction. Would these have been site-specific approvals. Perhaps we could check what they did there?

I remember this discussion from a while ago, and it does seem to me that the current set-up doesn't seem to support cycling (for the STP and local cycling groups active at the school).

If on the other hand, Lonsdale Road is actually private, then there are opportunities to revisit the idea of installing secure cycle parking on the highway?

I'd be happy to be involved in this discussion further.

Mike Evans

-----Original Message-----
From: Smith, Paul
Sent: 04 November 2010 09:17
To: 'Josie Warshaw'; Evans, Mike; Sisodiya, Paul; Pigott, Adrian; ''; 'Michael Stuart'; 'Ian Saville'; 'Ben Tansley'; 'Rosie Tharp'; 'Marguerite Reinig'
Cc: Plumridge, Jared; Francis, Robert; Boddy, Peter
Subject: RE: Lonsdale road leading to Salusbury School

Subject: RE: Lonsdale road leading to Salusbury School
Date: 4 November 2010 12:04:48 GMT

Dear Josie, Paul, Mike et al,

Paul is quite right that the combination of a no-entry sign with "except cycles" requires special approval. But as Mike says, there are ways to produce the desired effect with existing signing. The DfT's "Contraflow Cycling" documents them and they're also covered in Chapter 3 of the "Traffic Signs Manual" , sections 17.24 - 17.30.

The commonest in our general area is the "false one-way", which can be seen in Brent, in Camden and even in Barnet. This uses a small traffic island with a cycles-only lane on one side. Beyond it the street can be two-way without any cycle lane at all, though simple cycle symbols on the carriageway can remind drivers of the situation. Brent has a highly-developed one at the entry into Bathurst Gardens from College Road, Barnet a group of simpler ones between Cricklewood Broadway and Cricklewood Lane, on Ash Grove, Elm Grove and Yew Grove. Camden has them with and without cycle lanes on the roads thus sectioned off. The route Mike mentions running south down Fairhazel Gardens has a green contraflow cycle lane, but possibly the most dramatic effect on traffic is the prevention of rat-running on Gloucester Avenue and King Henry's Road. This is achieved simply by two islands, one preventing motor vehicles entering King Henry's Road eastbound from Primrose Hill, the other at the junction of Regents Park Road and Gloucester Avenue (at Cecil Sharp House) blocking northbound motor traffic on Gloucester Avenue. These two simple strokes calm an entire neighbourhood without any further road markings, humps, cushions, tables or even signage.

But those DfT documents also discuss the use of no-motor-vehicles signage (#619) with or without segregation at entry or exit. This allows a particularly low-cost solution, requiring two no-motor-vehicles #619 signs, one cycle-facility #967 sign and a very short carriageway marking.

With such solutions we could permit cyclists to use Lonsdale Road in both directions. What's more, if entry into Tennyson Road from Willesden Lane was similarly permitted, we would have not only direct cycle access into Brent 11 Streets but also complete an extremely valuable two-way cycle route between Willesden Lane and Brondesbury Road, parallel to the most congested part of Kilburn High Road.

Best regards,

Ben Tansley
Brent Cyclists

-----Original Message-----
From: Evans, Mike []
Sent: 04 November 2010 10:21
Subject: RE: Lonsdale road leading to Salusbury School

Dear Paul

I had a discussion with people at Salusbury Road School the other
day. Is it true that Lonsdale Road is unadopted? If so, do DfT
regulations apply?

Also, in Camden (West Hampstead, b/t West End Lane and Swiss Cottage)
there are numerous roads with counterflow, simply designated by white
lining and a cycle+arrow going in the counterflow direction. Would
these have been site-specific approvals. Perhaps we could check what
they did there?

I remember this discussion from a while ago, and it does seem to me
that the current set-up doesn't seem to support cycling (for the STP
and local cycling groups active at the school).

If on the other hand, Lonsdale Road is actually private, then there
are opportunities to revisit the idea of installing secure cycle
parking on the highway?

I'd be happy to be involved in this discussion further.

Mike Evans
Comment by josie warshaw on September 21, 2010 at 23:24
Cycletastic have local Saturday afternoon bike maintenance workshops coming up over Autumn and Winter. The basic workshops are for bike owning beginners that want to learn how to mend a puncture and replace their brake blocks . Sessions are for 3 hours and are being held at the Charteris Sports Centre NW6 - indoors in the warm! If you would like to book a place please email The concessionary rate is £10 and £30 for employed Saturday October 23rd and repeats on Saturday 27th November. Bring your own bike . Check out the Cycletastic web site for more courses to take intermediate and advanced level workshops in November and January 2011
Comment by josie warshaw on September 21, 2010 at 23:13
If anyone would like to try bike or bike trailer during the morning of the Harvest Festival day at Salusbury Primary School on the 2nd October I will be bringing both bikes and trailers dow. There will also be opportunity to find out what it is like pulling a loaded trailer out on the road . The bike workshops will start at around 12-12.30 in the school playground and are FREE to take part . They will continue according to demand on the day. Bring your bike if you have one whatever your age to join in these bike ability sessions.
Comment by FNM on July 28, 2010 at 23:07

FNM here on the noise problem in Chamberlayne Road.

The page I have set up on Facebook is "Kensal Rise Against Nuisance Noise (KRAAN)" and not “Say No to Noisy Buses in Kensal Rise”. Have a look and give us your support as we need it to deal with TFL!

Thanking you in advance, FNM
Comment by FNM on July 28, 2010 at 23:03
I live on Chamberlayne Road, Kensal Rise, NW10 and have done so since 2001. A few years ago I observed that the noise pollution from the new style bus fleet, which were brought into replace the Route masters, was highly offensive - the level of noise was akin to a plane taking off.
When one of these faulty buses is passing by, it is impossible to sustain a telephone conversation or use the rooms in my house that face on to Chamberlayne Road, as the whirring, shrieking noise is so severe.
I highlighted this problem to Brent Council and TFL in the hope that a solution would be found to this intolerable level of noise pollution.
I brought to their attention that buses serving routes 6, 52 and 98, emitted the noise and the culprit buses’ registration number plates typically commenced with LK04.
Unsurprisingly, I was sent from pillar to post, received a lot of platitudes and finally an admission by TFL that there was a problem with a particular Volvo double-decker model, and it is the one that is used for routes 6, 98 and 52.

Clearly this noise problem still persists to this day despite TFL admitting that there is a fault with their buses, why are these buses still allowed to torment residents who live along Chamberlayne road?

With the hot weather it is impossible to keep windows open, as the buses are so noisy. I am unable to use my front living room, which faces Chamberlayne Road, as again it is impossible to hold a conversation or watch TV as the noise is over powering.

As the buses operate through the night, I find that my sleep is continually disrupted by the howling noise as well as speed at which the bus drivers “fly” up and down Chamberlayne road at night when there is less traffic.

Despite the numerous letters I have exchanged with Brent and TFL, nothing has been done to resolve the problem. It is not fair that residents who live along Chamberlayne Road and beyond should be harassed by such severe noise pollution from faulty buses, and from a service, which is operated by a governmental body.

Another point that I would like to highlight is the intolerable levels of traffic congestion caused by the amount of buses that serve or pass through Chamberlayne Road.
When I moved to Chamberlayne Road in 2001, there were two bus routes and now there are over six. It is not uncommon to see buses cemented in gridlock on Chamberlayne road and it can take up to twenty minutes to travel from Kensal Rise station to the bottom of Chamberlayne Road where it meets the Harrow Road. 99% of the time the congestion is due to bus gridlocks. What this tells me is that the bus management system for Chamberlayne Road is not working.
Whilst it is good to have a good bus network, this becomes a pointless exercise if traffic is brought to a standstill due to congestion caused by too many buses clogging up the road.
Also, it is not uncommon to see buses travelling along this route empty, which surely cannot make economic sense, and is certainly not good for the environment and residents’ well being. Perhaps, the fact that these buses are travelling empty should be a sign to TFL and Brent Council that the said buses should be diverted to areas where demand for them is much greater?
What do I you need from? Please join me to stop TFL from compromising London’s residents ‘ quality of life for the sake of meeting and ticking off senseless targets. I have set up a group on Facebook under the name of “Say No to Noisy Buses in Kensal Rise”.
Yours sincerely,

Fiona Mulaisho
Comment by josie warshaw on May 8, 2010 at 17:43
Dear all checkout the events list on the transition site for up and coming bike event. The first formal shed open day is May 23rd 12-5pm so if you want to sort your bike or just want to see the shed come along . Its just by Bliss the Chemist on Streatley Road .
Comment by josie warshaw on January 28, 2010 at 16:42
Transport for London GREAT News for Brent !!!!
Mayor and TfL announce plans to bring the Capital's cycling revolution to Outer London . Brent has just become one of 12 cycling boroughs to receive additional TFL funding to decrease the physical and mental barriers that often block the the path to increased bike use rides
Well done and thanks to Mike Evans at Brent !!!!
Comment by josie warshaw on January 17, 2010 at 13:47 Dear all
This is an interesting article which clarifies the 'Road Tax' rebuttal which is often used against cyclists.
Sent by Chris Bissell
Comment by josie warshaw on January 15, 2010 at 23:16
Some handy information -sent by Robert Landbeck Many Thanks
Comment by josie warshaw on November 16, 2009 at 9:46
Saturday December 5th 2009 10am -12am at Paddington Arts
Bike Maintenance Drop In. Bring your bike and pick up tips and know how on maintaining /fixing your own bike. 10-12 am 32 Woodfield Road London W9 2BE. (just off the Harrow Road ) Donations Appreciated (Then Cycle to the Wave Demonstration )

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