Kensal to Kilburn Fruit Harvesters (active project)


Kensal to Kilburn Fruit Harvesters (active project)

We pick over a ton of apples, pears and plums  from local back gardens and give most to Foodbanks and community groups.

Why do we do it?

* to reduce waste
* to raise awareness that food doesn't have to come from a supermarket
* to get to know our community, the place and the people.

What else do we do?
Over 100 harvesters and tree owners contribute each year. We make juice to sell at Queen's Park Day (when that can happen), have a dehydrator for members to borrow, run jam making workshops, Parlour restaurant kindly makes jam for us, we've harvested with children's nurseries, lend a fruit picking tool through the library on Salusbury Road and have planted 40 fruit trees on a local estate and elsewhere.
Contact and visuals
Twitter @k2kfruitharvest
Wonderful film about us, by Jonathan Goldberg:

Location: Kensal, Queens Park, Kilburn
Members: 76
Latest Activity: Oct 29, 2023

Award-winning film about the fruit harvesting group

Lovely 4 minute film about us by Jonathan Goldberg. Winner of Environmental film of the year 2013 awarded at Royal Geographic Society

Film about foraging including us

Discussion Forum

Great Day at Fryent Country Park

Today we picked an unexpected 418kg of apples from the wonderful orchards in Fryent Country Park.  About 40 volunteers came to help and although we thought there was less fruit than in previous years…Continue

Started by Transition Kensal to Kilburn Oct 2, 2016.

Jam available

Various flavours of jam (and chutney) made from local fruit is Sophia if you would like to purchase...Jams: apple & vanilla, apple & elderflower, appleJellies: crab apple,…Continue

Started by Sophia Flucker Sep 19, 2016.

Brent's Fruit Harvesting Season Underway

Our press release for the three harvesting groups below. We made p3 of the local paper…Continue

Started by Viv Stein Sep 16, 2016.

Our jam in Urban Food Awards 2 Replies

Kensal to Kilburn Fruit Harvesters is one of five projects with a chance of an Urban Food Award in the Proper Preserves category – for our Apple and Madagascan Vanilla Jam made by Parlour using…Continue

Started by Sophia Flucker. Last reply by Sophia Flucker Jul 15, 2016.

Comment Wall

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Comment by Nilufer on January 22, 2016 at 12:43

Dear All,

Could someone tell me if there is any funding for expanding this kind of group activity in our community ??

Comment by Sophia Flucker on August 18, 2015 at 21:43

Protecting Royal Apples on Radio 4

Comment by Sophia Flucker on September 28, 2014 at 20:17

We have a number of jams, chutneys, pickles and compotes made by members of the group using locally harvested ingredients...they make great gifts.  Currently for sale in Taste of Chamberlayne, Brooks the Butchers and will be in stock at upcoming events.  Contact Sophia for more info.

Comment by Transition Kensal to Kilburn on September 23, 2013 at 16:26

There's one in the library in Salusbury Road for free loan. Try there first and if you have problems getting hold of it let us know and we'll find another way to get one to you. Michael

Comment by Matthew Sharp on September 23, 2013 at 14:38

The best looking apples on my tree are right at the top. Does anyone have an apple picker I can borrow? (Long pole with bag at the end and some sort of hook or cutter).

Comment by Transition Kensal to Kilburn on January 12, 2013 at 13:00

Wassail is on Jan 20th...details to follow

Comment by Janey McAllester on January 9, 2013 at 15:38

Michael and I were just discussing that and need to check the minutes to see what was decided.  But there will be one soon, and some pruning workshop action, so an email will go out shortly.  Also there's the Willesden Wassail on the 20th Feb :-)

Comment by Jennifer Rea on January 9, 2013 at 0:39

Hi all,

Is there any word on a fruit harvesters meet up? I can't remember if a date was set.

thanks Jen.

Comment by Janey McAllester on August 10, 2012 at 21:31

If it's not obvious to people if you click on the link 'Plum crop from Freud's house on Tuesday' in comment below you get a lovely photo of us all!

Comment by Janey McAllester on August 10, 2012 at 21:28

Plum crop from Freud's house on Tuesday.  A huge haul of lovely little red plumbs, rescuing them from a fate of making the neighbours slip on the pavement. 


Members (76)


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